Page 45 of Baby

Whirling around, I come face-to-face with none other than Mercenary. He’s no longer sitting in his place a few seats over, but here, expecting to join us in shots. I’m not sure that’s the best idea though—tequila and Jude and his comments...I may end up punching him.

“So, it’s like that, huh?” He probes before I have a chance to issue a warning threat. He flicks his gaze between the three of us as Blaze hands over the extra shot.

“Sure the fuck is,” Sinner retorts before I reply and Mercenary grins for the first time since we’ve come in contact. It’s not fake either; he’s sincere.

“’Bout time I got to a club that had some fucking balls. I have nothing but respect for the fact you don’t give two fucks what anyone thinks.” He holds the shot up, and we each lift ours in return, saluting, then drinking the harsh liquor down.

We place them back on the counter, and he holds his fist out for each of us to fist bump him. “I’m out.” He turns and shouts the same at the other brothers as well and then heads to his new room. A few club sluts anxiously follow along in his wake.

Jude kisses the tip of my nose. “See, grouch, no need to slice and dice.” She giggles, and I can’t help but chuckle. Baby is feeling the liquor, and it’s cute.

“Did she really just say that?” Sinner questions with his own smirk present.

“Maybe she’ll fit in better than I thought,” I reason with a shrug, and he nods.

“Another round?” Jude suggests, clearly enjoying the Patron and we agree.

This time she orders us shots along with requesting a margarita for herself. We have Princess to thank for that, I’m guessing. Not that I mind. Jude’s too hard on herself for being young. I want her to relax and have some fun.

“You’re going to need that drink; I’ve got plans.”

At my promise, she giggles again. “And just what are these plans? Will you both be naked? Will I be spanked when I call you daddy this time around?”

Odin snorts from beside Sinner, hearing her. He’s been around Viking’s ol’ lady too much.

Ignoring him, I kiss her forehead and sit back on my stool. Turning to Sin, I ask, “You gonna’ be naked Sinner?”

He rolls his eyes, not responding to me and throws back the latest shot. He may not be ready to admit that much outright, but he’ll get there. It took nineteen years for that kiss; I’m not afraid to wait a little longer for him to stop holding back on the rest.

“Yep, he’ll be naked and so will you.” I wink, finishing my drink before I cart them off for some playtime.

There’s a boisterous knock, waking me way too early once again. “Sinner?” An agitated voice calls after me, and I have to untangle my limbs from Jude and Saint. We sleep like a tumbleweed, all intertwined. It’s been just like this over the past week too.

“Yeah, just a sec,” I holler, my voice laced with fatigue from a night full of crazy sex with Saint and Jude. They never seem to have enough, going until the hours close to dawn.

Jude stirs. “Everything okay?”

Placing a peck on her forehead, I mutter against her skin, “Go back to sleep, sweetheart. It’s fine.” I cover her and then swing my legs over the side of the bed to answer the door.


The Prez grunts in reply, his gaze flicking over my naked body. I hold up a finger and backtrack.

Yanking on a pair of Saint’s pajama bottoms, I shuffle to the hall and close the door behind me. “Better?”

“Yep. Saint in there with you?”

“He’s passed the hell out. What’s up?”

“Sheriff came a knockin’ at my house this morning.”

My brows shoot up.

“Turns out a Lamborghini was stolen, and someone reported a man looking like Saint driving it.”

“Fuck.” My hand rakes through my short, dark hair. “I don’t know who the fuck would do that. Saint hasn’t left my sight, and we were on the run yesterday so it couldn’t have been him.”

“Thought so. Just found it kinda ironic since he jacked that car last week, and the police are just now showing up.”