Page 5 of Baby

It’s pretty much the best thing to snack on while doing homework. If I get really hungry, I can always buy a loaf of bread and some peanut butter or something. It’s not the greatest of options, but it does the trick, and I’m able to save money. Any penny helps.

Sinner: I’m ordering you a pizza right now. You need more food than that. You home?

Me: No, I’m at work still.

Sinner: When are you off?

Me: 4:30

Sinner: I’m sending it at 4:45 then. You should get it after you’re home and it’ll be paid for. Don’t tip them either, I will.

Me: Thank you.

I receive no reply, but that’s normal. I’ve also learned not to argue with him over buying food or try to tell him I’ll pay for it. That gets me absolutely nowhere except having to deal with a pissed-off biker. And angry motorcycle dudes are pretty scary when they want to be.

And hot! He’s so freaking hot with irises the same shade as graphite, and hair as dark as iron. Not to mention way too old for me, but for some reason, that fact doesn’t even register whenever he’s near. All I can think of when I look at him is that his jawline is so sharp, covered in his dusky five o’clock shadow and how I want to lick it.

I’ve never licked a man before, but I want to lick him. Pretty much anywhere he’d let me. He won’t though. I’ve tried throwing myself at him like in the books I’ve read, and it gets me nowhere. It’s pretty embarrassing, too because you’d think a bad-boy biker would want to have sexy time as much as they can. I know I’d like to have it at least one time in my life.

At first, it was subtle hints I’d send his way, but that wasn’t working. So, I went full-on hussy, and in return, he acted like I was a total weirdo. That sort of thing’s not good for a woman’s ego, especially one who’s never had sex before. You’d think that would entice him even more, but he doesn’t know. We’ve never gotten far enough for me to bring it up.

Yes, I get that it’s a bit strange since he’s technically married to my mom, but we both know she couldn’t care less about him or me. In return, why should he care? At this rate, I’ll die a virgin, and that can’t happen. I refuse to be some shriveled up timeworn woman living in the middle of nowhere and not at least attempt to get the one hot guy who comes through to let me lick him.

I thought guys liked that sort of thing? Who knows, but apparently my books are wrong. The men my mom has brought home wanted to be all over her all the time, so I thought I was onto something, but I guess not. Lord knows none of it even fazes Sinner.

Hopefully, it’s not too awkward when Sinner comes for his visit this trip, given my poor flirting skills. Maybe I'm not being patient enough, and persistence is the key? Regardless, I don’t plan to give up on getting what I want any time soon.

It’s pretty sad how excited I am about the fact he’s sending pizza. However, it’s the only time I ever get to eat it. The Stop N Shop sells the frozen ones, but they’re nowhere near as good as the pizza he has delivered. Then there’s the part where I could never afford it, so it’s a treat.

Last time he even brought ice cream. He ate it straight from the carton, and each time his lips sucked that spoon, I got goosebumps. I couldn’t stop imagining him doing something similar to me or him letting me eat the ice cream off him. My guess is it would’ve tasted even better that way. I nearly suggested we give it a try but didn’t want to push my luck too far.

Clearly, I have some pent-up need if only he’d satisfy that like he does my hunger pains. I wonder if he has another woman. That could make sense, but I’d be surprised if she didn’t get angry with him for coming to check on me. I’m glad he’s divorcing my mom, but at the same time, I’ll miss him not visiting me once that happens. I remember she’d fly off the handle if the guys she was seeing even mentioned another woman’s name in front of her.

I’m not like that though. I don’t see the point of jealousy if people are open with each other from the start. I figure you either want to be with someone or you don’t. There’s no middle ground in it, and one thing is for certain, I want Sinner. I’d never had the chance to keep him in my life for the long term so I’ll settle for right now if he gives me a chance.

All I can do now is watch the clock and wait while the minutes pass by, and they always go by extra slow it seems. How ironic. I actually want to go home now and can’t leave quite yet. With pizza and Sinner on the way though, I’d be a fool not to be excited about one thing if not the other. This trip could be the one where I get lucky and am finally able to run my tongue along that gorgeous jaw of his—amongst other things.

Maybe eat that slice of pizza off his body this time around...