Page 51 of Baby

“Why not?”

Sinner’s nose trails over the back of my neck and goosebumps appear in response. “’Cause he boosted this car, Jude. We can’t stop now. We have to get it to the shop before it’s called in stolen by the owner or we’re spotted by the cops. Most of them around here know us and are aware we don’t own a Ferrari.”

“Oh.” That makes sense, so they do worry about the cops after all.

“Yeah, baby girl, can’t get locked up.” He winks.

I’ve barely escaped my podunk town; I definitely don’t want to spend my freedom locked away in a jail cell. I wonder if I did if my mom would show up for me. I guess she wouldn’t know unless Sinner was able to get ahold of her. I doubt he can, though. When she goes off with guys she’s impossible to reach it seems. If she saw me here with these two, she’d be furious.

“I should go home,” I utter quietly. I don’t know why I even say it, maybe because it’s how I ought to feel, even if I don’t want to. Going home is the furthest on my list of things to do, but I should regardless.

“No.” Sinner grounds out. “We can discuss this shit later.”

I don’t know what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn’t that. I figured they’d be getting tired of having me tagging around all the time. Sure, we have sex and laugh and drink, but they must be missing their freedom by now.

“If my mom finds out, she’ll be furious.”

“Fuck her,” Saint comments, his gaze trained on the road ahead.

“He’s right, sweetheart. We’ll talk about this when we get back to the club. But most of all, fuck anyone’s feelings.”

We can discuss it all we want to, but the fact remains true. If my mom catches wind of me with them, there’s a chance she may leave and not come back for good. Do I want that? Could I live with knowing I angered her to the point of no return? I should be allowed to be happy, though, and being stuck in that trailer is far from it.

With a sigh, I let the thoughts float from my mind and attempt to enjoy the ride. It may be coming to an end soon, and I want to make the most of it. God knows I want every moment I can get with these men before it’s too late. Eventually, Sinner lets up enough so I can wiggle around and get my boxer shorts back in place. Perfect timing too as we get closer to various buildings and Saint downshifts.

“You quit your job yet?”

“No, but she’ll probably fire me,” I admit, and Saint’s frown warps into a smirk.

“Concentrate on your school work, sweetheart. We like it that you’re smart,” Sinner admits, and my chest feels like it could burst with pride. They think I’m smart and I love that.

The car slows as Saint presses the brakes, coming to a stop in front of a tall, chain-link fenced lot. There’s a shack of a building up front made up of old gray siding and behind it a giant white shop looking structure with five bays. Each door’s closed, and there are about ten unsavory looking men walking around the yard. There’s a variety of vehicles on the parking lot, waiting for what, I have no idea.

His smirk drops as he presses a button and the driver side window lowers. A young kid about sixteen or so pokes his head in. “’Sup?” He’s fortunate Saint doesn’t punch him doing that sort of thing; he must know him already, or I think he probably would have.

“Here to pick up my brother’s truck. Oscar around?”

“He’s out back.” He gestures and steps away, then lets out a whistle. “Some set of wheels you got yourself this time.”

Saint grins. “You have no idea.” At that, the kid quickly rounds the front of the vehicle and shoves one side of the gate open so we can drive through.

If it weren’t for Saint’s MC cut and chunky silver arrowhead ring, he could pass for actually owning the car. Sinner said the cops know them, but one glance at a man as good-looking as Saint, you wouldn’t second guess it seeing him with the luxury vehicle. I was dumb enough to think the green Lamborghini he initially showed up in was his. Now that I know him, I also know that I was far off. Saint is definitely a biker, not a rich, snobby hot guy.

He parks the car behind the shack. “All right, Sin, you get the truck. I’m going to go get paid for this purple monster.”

“Bet.” Sinner opens the door, shifting his leg outside and grips my arm, steadying me so I can climb out of the super low beauty. “You good?” He probes getting to his feet.

“Yeah, I’m great.” I flash a smile and peer up into his irises. They resemble the color of gravel today, speckled with different shades of gray. It’s one of my favorite things about him—how their hue alters with his moods. “Why?”

He leans in, his breath tickling my lobe. “’Cause we just made you an accessory.” When he pulls away, he’s wearing a pleased grin. “Ought to start calling you little lawbreaker instead of sweetheart.”

Rather than shying away as he’d expect, I tug him into my body. Pushing to my tiptoes, my breasts rub up against his solid chest, and I whisper, my lips nearly touching his mouth. “I like it. Tell me, Sinner, does it make you want to fuck me, knowing I broke the law with you?”

A primal growl rumbles his chest at my reply, and his hands tangle in my hair. He closes the distance, planting a blistering kiss on my lips, showing me just how true my observation is.

“You have no fuckin’ idea,” he finishes, breathing heavily, and snatches my wrist. He tugs me after him toward the main office, on a mission.

Oh, but I do.

Who knew stealing cars could be so much fun? I guess I’m more like my mother than I thought because apparently, I have a thing for bad boys as well. Only I don’t want just one...I want two, and if I have my way, I’ll be keeping them both.