Page 56 of Baby

“Did he say it back when she admitted how she felt?” I can’t let it go. I want every detail he has. Now I understand why Viking was such a dick when he was trying to lock it down with Princess.

“No, he went on chanting some stuff then kissed her. It was trippy,” he admits reluctantly, taking a long pull from his beer.

“I’m going to sit here awhile and let him take some time alone with her I think. Maybe he has some stuff he needs to say to her now.”

“This doesn’t fuck with you? Him wanting her and all?”

Shaking my head, I swallow another gulp and let the alcohol calm me. “If it were anyone else, it would, but not him.” I can’t let it, I don’t want there to be anything tearing us apart from each other or away from Jude.

“You love him too,” he states, and I agree. He tips his bottle my way, and I tap my glass to his. “Whatever makes you happy, brother,” he replies genuinely.

The acceptance from the brothers has been alarming, to say the least. Most I’ve known in the past would turn their noses up at our decision to have each other along with a woman. I don’t know why I ever worried about judgment being cast by my brothers on mine and Saint’s relationship. I should’ve known, they’d always have my back in whatever’s going down. Same as I’d have theirs.

When it comes down to it, Oath Keepers are more than just a brotherhood. They’re a family.

Saint tugs me along, and eventually, we end up in his room, alone. We passed Sinner by. I wanted to say something but never spoke up. I think my mind’s in shock at the moment over what just happened. Like it shouldn’t be real, but I know it is.

I just watched a man I care about kill someone and then drink their blood. That changes things in so many ways. He forewarned me, but I was dumb and brushed it aside. I should’ve listened. Next time, I will.

This means that Sinner is a killer too. No longer can I hide behind my naiveté about the things they’ve said. This whole time they were honest with me, and I disregarded it as over exaggeration. I was a fool not to see what was right in front of me.

These men are bad...yet I’ve fallen for them—both of them. Saint asked me if I love him, and despite the gruesome scene, I spoke the truth. I do. I love them both.

The part that has my mind so confused is where do we go from here? Does he kill me now because I know his secret? He said Sinner wanted me to see the other side of him. Does this mean I’m more to him than just another woman to warm his bed? It has to.

“Saint?” His name falls from my lips sounding a bit rough. My throat’s sore from trying to scream through Nightmare’s hand. What a mess.

“Shhh, baby. I’ll take care of you.”

He heads for the bathroom and turns the shower on full blast then steps back in front of me. Carefully he peels my now ruined shirt free, following with my shorts and underwear, throwing them toward his over-filled hamper. “Beautiful.” His compliment’s like a tender kiss after a long day.

Linking our fingers together he leads me to the shower. The room’s already filling with steam, embracing me in its warm cocoon. “Let’s clean you up.” He holds me steady; helping me as I climb over the threshold then tosses his own clothes away. Naked Saint is one of my favorite things to see; he’s breathtaking—even completely dirty.

“Why are you doing this?” The words scratch as I utter them, attempting to understand what everything means and where we go from here.

“’Cause I’m gonna take care of you, same as our boy, Sinner. I won’t let anything bad happen to either of you.”

“Is that why you showed me?”

The hot jets of water tumble over my hair as he climbs in behind me. He pulls me into his body, securing me to him with his strength. His embrace is full of comfort; I want to bask in it forever. He’s not massively built like some of the other members, but he’s definitely solid with his own striking set of muscles.

“Part of it. The sacrifice is an important part of my Indian heritage. Killing that scum was to show you that I can protect you when needed. I always fight for what I think is right. Sometimes the cost is blood. I also wanted to see how far your acceptance ran.”

“You killed for Sinner.” It’s not a question; I already know the answer deep down.

“I did, and I would again without a second thought. I will kill for you if it comes to it,” he states, moving my body to face him. My breasts press into his chest as he hugs me tightly, helping mend the pieces I feel are so scattered.

Meeting his gaze as the water beats down on my back, I lean up on my tiptoes. He easily reads my intentions, dipping his head so I can reach his lips. “I meant it, Saint,” I promise and push my lips to his.

The kiss is different from those in the past. It’s loving and full of compassion. His lips move unhurriedly, allowing his tongue to love my mouth. It’s everything that means so much, wrapped up into the mating of mouths.

He’s feeling guilty for putting me through that ordeal; it’s pouring off him. One hand holds me to him tightly as if he’s scared to let me go, while his other cradles my face in his palm. We stand there kissing for what must be minutes even though it feels like longer. All I know is he sweetly coaxes my tongue with his until the waters washed away any remnant of the dried blood from them.

It could be an eternity, and yet, suddenly that doesn’t feel like enough. I’m going to need this man in my life long after any word such as forever can encompass. He’s shared his darker side with me, yes...but he’s also opened his soul and made a place for me.

Pulling away enough so I can speak, I rest my forehead against his scruffy cheek. “I want you.”

“You have me.” He promises and grabs a bar of soap. Lathering it up, he spreads bubbles all over the two of us until the water begins to turn cold. With goosebumps covering our skin, we quickly rinse the soap and turn the water off.