Page 62 of Baby

“Saint?” I call and stand.

“I’m coming. Give us five.”

With a few strides, we’re out of the chapel and in the bar, facing a pleasantly buzzed Jude sitting with Princess.

“Hey, P.” I shoot her a grin, “We need to borrow our woman.”

“Sure, is church out?”

“Nah, not yet,” Saint answers and Princess’ eyes grow wide.

“Oh! Okay, yaay!” She beams a bright smile causing us to chuckle. Jude has no idea what’s going on, so she just grins, happy to see us.

“Lemme see your bandanna, Saint.” I hold my palm up, and he hands it over. “Jude, I’m going to cover your eyes, ‘cause we can’t show you what we’re doing just yet.”

Her brow furrows for a moment, but then she nods, the liquor making her relaxed. I tie the material over her eyes, securing the knot at the back of her head.

“Saint’s going to carry you, okay?”

“I can’t walk? I’m fine to walk, not much tequila. I promise.” We both chuckle.

“Let me just pick you up, baby.”

“All right, but no complaining about my booty being heavy.”

He snorts and scoops her up. “Hush up, woman,” he grumbles, amused. I hurry ahead of them and open the door leading to church. I chance a quick glance at the bar and find Princess jumping up and down, smiling. She’s thrilled that Jude’s about to officially become an ol’ lady and be a part of the club.

“Where are we going?” she asks, and a few brothers chuckle seeing her blindfolded. “Oh, sounds like the boys are here. Hi, guys!”

“She’s been drinking with my sister again?” Odin asks, and I nod. It’s when Jude is more likely to be more open to talking to the brothers. When she’s sober, she sticks to Saint and me like glue. Which is good, I like it that she’s that way.

A few brothers move their chairs back, away from the table and Saint lays her down, so she’s on display for every brother. The best part is she has no idea about it.

“Geez, that’s cold! Am-am I on a table or something?” she asks aloud, and I swear every brother in the place is grinning. She’s so fucking adorable.

“Yeah, Jude, we laid you on a table. You have to stay there.”

“Don’t move at all and keep that blindfold on,” Saint orders, and she remains quiet. He raises his voice. “What do you say?”

“Yes, daddy,” she answers, her face growing more serious. Most of the brothers’ grins grow to full smiles hearing her reply. I’m sure they find this very entertaining. Hell, we did when it was happening to Princess and Bethany. We watched and smiled the entire time, so I expect nothing less from them.

“Hold her hands.” I gesture to Saint, and he grips each wrist, having her body spread out across the table so she can’t move away. “I’m going to touch you now, Jude. I’m going to fuck you.”

“Okay, are we...are we alone?” Her words are nearly a whisper, not that it helps keep anyone from overhearing her.

I want to tell her the truth, but I can’t yet, or she won’t relax the way we need her too. She has to lose it in front of them all, so they can understand there’s no doubt that she belongs to Saint and me. Mercenary especially needs to see he doesn’t stand a chance.

“I want you to trust me, sweetheart. You trust Saint and me?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Good. You love Saint and me?”

“Of course.”

“Good girl,” Saint mutters, and I stop hesitating. Gripping the neck of the plain white T-shirt, I rip the material down the middle, exposing her breasts.

Odin draws in a quick breath, and Mercenary licks his lips, his stare heated looking at my property. The other brothers take it in stride, not reacting quite yet.