Page 8 of Baby

Or cock. I could fit my cock right there perfectly. I’d finally be putting myself out of my misery too.

Ugh, how was my week? When was the last time someone even asked me that sort of thing?

My week was the usual, taking care of club business and trying to keep my brother from going crazy being stuck in the compound for too long. Fucked a few chicks with Saint, but they didn’t mean anything. They never do, just someone to pass the time and make me feel good.

Being intimate with Saint, that’s different. As much as I don’t want to admit it, the sex does mean something to me, but I haven’t exactly figured out what. We’ve been beside each other for so long that I can’t imagine being away from him in the future. Is it enough to have an exclusive relationship though? I enjoy women too much to give them up for good.

Shrugging, I swallow, attempting to collect myself and rasp a typical guy answer. “Same shit. You need anything?”

I must not be paying her the attention she wants because she begins her teasing. “No daddy, but thanks for asking.” She winks, wearing a playful smile. “Do you need anything, daddy?”

Shooting a glare in her direction, I grumble to myself, though there’s nothing menacing behind it. She’s got me by the nuts at this point. It’s damn near impossible to be pissed with this bitch; she’s too fucking cute to stay mad at. “Shut it,” I order, and her smile grows, pleased.

I throw back my second beer cause if I don’t I’ll end up fucking that too perfect pouty mouth of hers. She’s got those dick suckin’ lips, and I’d bet money she doesn’t even know what the hell that is. I could teach her though.

She’s going to be one of those good girls that’s a freak in the sheets, I just know it. Now if only I could be the first to tap that ass. Or school her in all things cock related...

Can’t fucking happen, damn it!

I can’t touch her. She deserves better. I’m a nobody compared to her. Not only am I damn near old enough to be her father, but I’m also not a good man—at all. I kill people. I hurt them and fuck with their minds without thinking twice about it. She needs one of those good ol’ boys to come around and put a ring on her finger.

But why does the thought of another man sniffing around make me so angry inside?

“You can sleep in my bed tonight if you want? I know the couch is too small for you.” Her shameless stare drops to my crotch, and I gulp, my throat parched all over again with her attention.

“Jesus, fucking Christ...seriously, Jude?”

Her eyes widen. “What? I thought it’d be more comfortable? There are other ways I could help you relax, too, if you’d let me.” Her tongue trails over her mouth, and I nearly lose my voice—my hands shaking with her implication.

“Shouldn’t you be in bed or something? Pretty sure it’s past your bedtime, little girl.” I throw in the last part to be a dick and to remind myself that I’m not sleeping in her bed—with her—preferably naked. She’d help me relax? I’d have her climaxing so hard she’d think she was on another fucking planet when I finished with her.

She huffs. No doubt I’ve hurt her feelings. It’s a normal occurrence, though; I have to keep some sort of boundary between us. So far, being an ass has been working. She’s not used to men like me and doesn’t know what to do or say when I give her shit about being young. Bet she’d clam up quick, too, if I was honest about what I want to do to her.

A club bitch, however, would strip and pretty much pounce on my cock, but Jude’s no club slut, that’s for sure. “Night-night little girl.” I wave her off and open my third beer. I’m going to down this six-pack, then crash. It’s the only thing I can do to stop myself from going in there and showing her just the sort of man I really am.

“Goodnight, Sinner,” she whispers and makes her way to her room in a rush.

I’m pretty sure there were tears in her voice, and I hate it. I can’t stand knowing that I put them there when she doesn’t deserve them. She shouldn’t be treated like shit by any man, but it’s the only way I can protect her from myself.

The trailer’s lit up from the sun when I peel my eyes open the next morning. Hearing voices, I drag my tired body off the too small couch and peek out the window toward my bike. There’s a lime colored Lamborghini parked out front, and that fucking thing doesn’t belong to me.

What the ever loving fuck is going on? I damn sure know it’s not her mom...I took care of that problem already.

“Shhh, baby,” I overhear a guy croon and instantly get pissed.

If Jude has a motherfucker over here, world war three’s about to go down in this bitch. I’ll teach that kid a lesson to show up over here when I’m around. And when I was asleep, to boot; that’s some goddamn nerve.

It’s not her that surprises me when I stick my head in her doorway though.

“Saint?” I utter his name in disbelief.

They’re lying in her bed with him behind her. He’s kissing all over her neck...his hands under the covers. My chest rumbles with a growl at that discovery.

“Brother.” His stare is pinned on me and defiant. He’s pleased that he’s shocked me.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

He tsks, shaking his head, then licks up the side of Jude’s neck, causing her to giggle. It’s like nails on a chalkboard because I’m not the one making her do it. Nor did I give him my permission to come in here and touch her like he’s doing. I’ve held myself back and not to leave the option open to my brother.