Page 14 of Princess

“They went to go change; they’ll be here.”

“You found some new bitches for us, Ruger?” Saint pipes up.

“Naw, just me and Vike. They were in here last night playing pool.”

Sinner’s eyebrows shoot up as he does a low whistle. “Damn, it’s like that, huh? I would’ve chatted them up last night to get some pussy, but I got the impression they were skittish.”

“What happened at the lake?” I interrupt, my jealousy nagging at me, wanting to know every single detail.

“Not much. Cinderella painted her toenails when we first got there. Then she floated around the lake on a small air mattress and on the way back asked if your name was really Viking.”

Saint leans forward. “No fucking way. Her name’s Cinderella? The blonde one? I bet she’s a goddamn fairy tale in bed,” he finishes, eyeing Sinner.

Letting loose a deep growl, I slam my fist down on the table, hard enough to make the drinks bounce and everyone jump to catch them. I swear if he speaks about fucking her again I’m going to lose my shit. I’m not nearly buzzed enough to deal with bullshit comments about the woman I recently killed for.

“Damn, Vike, my bad.” He holds his hands up in surrender. He’s seen me get pissed, and no way in hell would Sinner be able to save his ass from my wrath.

Grunting in response, I turn back to Ruger. “You get some ass from her friend?”

I only ask because it was written all over her at the motel that she wanted Nightmare, not another brother.

“No, she’s a fucking cock tease, bro. We hooked up a little, but she wouldn’t let me get my dick wet, wouldn’t even give me head. We had a few shots of tequila, but I’m hoping tonight she’ll get blitzed and let me hit it.”

Saint laughs and fist bumps Ruger, clearly approving of his less than stellar tactics to get laid. Can’t say shit about it, though; we’ve all done it at some point.

Downing another beer, the night gets a little later before the girls finally show up. I’m fairly surprised to see her back so soon after the shit that went down. Most women would be locked inside their houses right now, too shaken up to leave. Is she just stubborn or could she feel safe coming back? Is it because she knows Ruger’s here and that I will also be? Nightmare and Spidey-boy have joined us as well, leaving Exterminator to sit with Scot up at the bar flirting with the bartender he’s got a hard-on for.

Cinderella walks her fine ass through the door wearing a fitted black leather miniskirt that barely comes to the bottom of her ass cheeks, paired with a red corset top and the shoes I gave her earlier. There aren’t words strong enough to do her justice. Bitch makes my heart beat faster; that’s the biggest compliment any woman could ever receive from me.

Surprisingly, Bethany holds her own. She fits perfectly alongside Cinderella, wearing daisy dukes, dusty cowboy boots, and a cut-up shirt coming to the bottom of her tits.

I swear to God, everyone at the table probably came in their pants a little at the sight of them. They’re not just hotter than sin; they look like a biker’s fucking wet dream, dressed like some badass bitches that belong on the back of our bikes.

“If you two don’t want those chicks, I’ll sacrifice myself to take one for the team,” Spider offers and a few brothers chuckle.

Nightmare and I both mumble “shut-up,” at the same time.

I catch it, but with the music on in the background, I don’t think the brothers realize it was both of us who said it.

Cinderella came over tosay hello when she first got here, but I ignored her. Up close her tits were nicely displayed, taunting me with each breath she took as they moved slightly. I couldn’t peel my eyes away from them. I’m sure if I had, my brothers would have been glued to her chest as well. My dick was so damn hard under the table; I couldn’t think, let alone speak. She needs to cover the hell up if she’s expecting some sort of a conversation to come out of me.

It’s been sweet fucking torture to watch her each time, bending over the pool table to line up her shot. After each ball either one of them sinks in a pocket, the other takes a shot of liquor. I’ve been paying attention because I’m not letting them drive home if they’re both plastered. Right now Cinderella’s on her fourth and Bethany’s on her sixth.

She glances at me briefly, walking around the pool table until she stops directly in front of our table. Spreading her feet apart, she bends over, her muscular legs on full display as she adjusts her pool stick until she has it where she wants it. She inhales a deep breath then pushes her ass out more while she takes her shot. With that motion, her skirt lifts the few inches I need it to so I can catch a glimpse of her bare pussy lips.

My fist hits the table top again, loudly, causing her to jump up. She spins around, her hand on her chest and eyes wide. My nostrils flare as I breathe heavily, wanting to rip the skirt completely off her.

“Are you okay?” She asks breathily and Saint groans beside me, no doubt witnessing what I was just privy too. I could go for punching him right about now.

“Pull your skirt down,” I demand, glaring at her for making me lose control so easily.

“Fine,” she huffs back. Wiggling slightly, she shimmies the tiny piece of material hugging her hips down. It moves all of an inch at the most, and I grit my teeth from her titties jiggling.

She faces Bethany, her long platinum hair falling to the top of her ass. “I need you and a smoke.”

Bethany gets a wicked grin on her face and downs a shot before eagerly following Cinderella through the bar. Either she’s happy about having a smoke or they’re up to something. Whatever it is, those girls are fucking trouble. People think bikers are bad, but that bitch is the type to make a brother lose it over her, and that’s gonna end up being me if I don’t keep my distance.

Slamming the double shot of whiskey I had resting in front of me, I’m stuck listening to my brothers talk about how they all hope that the chicks have friends that look as good as they do.