Page 37 of Princess

A tear falls, my fingers swiping it away quickly. “Oh no, not at all. It’s my mom; she wants me to come over.”

“Are you going to?”

“Probably, let me call her really quickly. Do you mind?”

“Of course not; you know I love your mom.”

Backing out of her message, Viking’s name is next.

“Shit,” I mutter with my gaze trained on his message.

“What happened? You haven’t even dialed.”

“No, yeah, I know. I was shitting because Viking had to leave town but doesn’t know when he’ll be back. He thinks a few days.”

“Did he say where he was going?”

“Nope, bikers don’t tell you that stuff.”

“What the hell? He could have a wife and kids shacked up somewhere, and you’d never know.”

“No, he doesn’t,” I defend automatically.

“How would you know? Think about it Princess.”

“I have and well…When he was sleeping, I went through his phone and wallet.” When I don’t turn my back to her quick enough, I see her mouth drop open at my confession.

“You’re so sneaky. Does he know? Do you think he’d actually have evidence on him?”

Grabbing an apple from the bowl using up a large portion of the counter, I take a hefty bite, starving with all the extracurricular activities I’ve been doing lately and face her again. “Fuck no, he doesn’t know. He’d probably spank me until I couldn’t sit down or something if he did; besides, this isn’t CSI detective work or anything.”

Her eyes light up at me implying he spanks, and I continue, “And yes, he would have something. I googled his home address. It was some little town in South Carolina. When I google mapped that shit and did a street view, it was an empty lot. It was literally grass and a mailbox.”

“Geez, no wonder your phone died.”

“Well yeah, plus I did reverse lookup on every phone number he had listed, which wasn’t many, like fifteen.”

“The next boyfriend I get, I’m calling you. How did I not know about this sneaky side of you? The one time we tried going out of your mom’s house at night, you were so freaking noisy, she met us out back with a damn shotgun.”

At that memory, I burst out laughing. Bethany eventually copies me, both of us giggling until my stomach starts to hurt.

“Oh God, I forgot about that! You were so scared I thought you were going to pee!”

“Yeah, pretty sure I did pee a little.”

Laughter overtakes again, remembering her face and shriek when my mom scared the shit out of us, just waiting. It was like she’d already known it was going to happen and wanted to make sure we were so terrified, we’d never try it again. It definitely worked. We didn’t attempt to sneak out from my house again—ever.

Once I’m able to catch my breath again, Bethany excuses herself to go to the bathroom, which ensures a few more chuckles, and then I bite the bullet and dial my mom.

I swear it feels like it rings for five minutes until the line’s finally picked up.


Fuck. It’s my dad.


Exterminator handed over anice chunk of cheddar at the border and was able to get us through without an inspection. I’m thankful, but where the hell did he come up with that cash? We haven’t been paid in a while unless someone else gave him some paper up front for this run that’s magically appeared out of thin air.