Page 39 of Princess

He thinks about it and remains quiet, proving my point.

“Exactly, now get your dick out of your ass and chill. You act like we’re trying to fuck your mom or something. We’re bikers, harden the fuck up.”

He’s the newest one to our group. I don’t mind his company, but sometimes you can tell he’s not like the rest of us.

“On the plus side, the food’s only scrambled eggs in a tortilla. I watched them make it all.”

“Thank fuck; I’m starving. How much did you get me?”

Digging through the bag he comes back with four wrapped burritos, they’re thin, so I won’t get full, but it’ll work until later.

“Appreciate it.”

“How’s that app working?” he asks, ignoring my gratitude, like we all do to each other.

“It’s on point. I’ve been tracking her every day she’s not with me.”

“I got an alert from your phone in the middle of the night, Saturday. She was clicking on each of your phone numbers and then I got a notification of her searching the numbers on her own phone’s internet.”

“It’s freaky how you know all that shit. Did you block the internet searches?”

“I redirected them to random places you’d use, like a bike shop, a few Oath Keepers main club house numbers—that sort of thing.”

“Good. I don’t need her finding out my mom’s info, thinking she’ll be Suzy Homemaker and give her a call or something.” I especially don’t want her calling any of my old contacts. They’re drug dealers and killers, not the type of people I want to know her name, even if they are friendlies.

“Nothing to worry about, you know I have your back.”

Nightmare enters the room, not knocking as well. We’re used to being in each other’s space. “Ex is ready.”

“Ex? You want to fill us in?” I ask and Nightmare sighs.

“No clue. I know as much shit as you. He’s shut me out. Whatever this is, it’s important to him.”

“That’s all I needed to know.”

Spider wads up his trash, tossing it in the miniature bin and makes his way outside.

Nightmare turns to me, “He good?”

“Yeah, he’s fine, starting to adjust.”

“Bet. He’s too smart with numbers and computers not to have him with us.” His voice grows quiet as he finishes, “I figured out that’s how Ex got money to pass through the border; he had Spider transfer rich fucks cash into a fake account.”


“As a fuckin’ heart attack, brother. I don’t know where the fuck his head’s at, but we’ll find out soon enough.”

Nodding, I stand and roll my bike back outside, next to my brothers. We wait on Ex for a few minutes; eventually, he walks out as well pushing his bike and coming to stand with us.

“Here’s the deal.” He gazes over each of us. “This isn’t a regular run. We’re not here on drugs. Well, we are, but only if we find some, do we bring it back.”

Sinner cocks his head to the side. “Then why we wasting our time?”

“We’re not.” Exterminator meets his stare. “We were hired by an undercover cop—a very rich cop—who’s tied to the Russian Mafia. He’s been searching for one woman in particular over the past months and got wind she was in that Compound we passed yesterday. He’s paying us a fuck ton of money to obtain her.”

Nightmare interrupts, “So you didn’t have Spider steal money from a bank? Why didn’t you tell us about this sooner?”

Spider coughs when he hears Night’s conclusion and Ex growls angrily, “Fuck no, how well do you know me?”