Page 4 of Princess

It’s nothing special, but it’s become home to me and occasionally Bethany when she decides to stay over. I don’t make a lot of money, but it’s enough to get me by, thankfully. I’ve never been one for many material things, even with a name like Princess hung over me.

Tossing my clothes in my hamper, I sluggishly make my way to my awesome fluffy bed and face-plant. I’m buzzed and exhausted. It’s the perfect way to end my day, with a good night’s sleep.

The next night…

As I’m getting dressed, my phone goes off, flashing Bethany’s name across the screen,

“What’s up, chick?” I mutter into the phone as soon as I hitaccept, propping it on my shoulder and pull on a sock.

“You have to get over here,” she shouts loudly over the blaring music in the background.

“Where are you exactly?” A party or a bar, that’s for sure.

“I’m at a Coop’s place. You remember Cooper from eleventh grade?”

“Cooper Williams?” I guess, squinting my eyes as I picture him and Polo shirts from years back. He was somewhat popular back when we were in high school. Nice guy, but nothing special to me.

“Yeah! He’s back and having a party, but that’s not why I called you.”

“Okaaay.” I bite my lip waiting; she doesn’t sound bombed yet, but she’s on that route.

“There’s a guy here! And, he’s wearing a Prospect cut from your dad’s gang. His name is Stitch or Scratch, or, umm...I don’t know, something like that. Anyhow, get over here!”

“That’s the same guy I met last night at the bar.”Scratch.Thinking of him instantly has my mind flashing to Viking.

“I saw the text you sent me this morning about meeting a Prospect; that’s why as soon as I saw the guy’s name, I called you. Is he the one?”

“Thanks, and yeah, I believe it is. I have to do my makeup and can be there in like an hour.”

“What if he leaves? You need to come here now, this your chance.”

“Okay, I’ll try to hurry. Does Cooper still live in the same house as high school?”

“Yeah, same place.”

“Okay cool, see you soon.”

“Bye, bitch!” she shouts, laughing, and I hang up.

Lucky for me, Cooper had a ton of get-togethers in high school, so everyone from this area knows where he lives. I’m not looking forward to seeing that crowd; I’m sure it’ll be littered with floozies, but oh well. This is about my plan, not partying.

Instead of taking my time getting ready as I would prefer, I lose the comfy socks and shimmy into my favorite pair of daisy dukes. I quickly slide on my new summer sandals, because they pair up perfectly. I look cute but casual. To top my outfit off and make it pop a little, I line my eyes with black kohl and brush on some bright pink lipstick. Men say they hate lipstick, but they love that shit, especially if it’s smeared a little by them.

Thank God my hair’s already dry, or it’d set me back another twenty minutes. The blonde locks damn near brush my waist, just like my mom’s always have.

I stuff my ID and some cash in my back pocket, grab my phone and keys and then I’m on my way. The drive takes about fifteen minutes, and as soon as I park, I’m jumping out of my car. I can tell myself all I want that I’m in a rush to see if my dad’s Prospect is still here, but even I know that’s bullshit. Viking’s who I want to catch a glimpse of.

Bethany’s easy for me to spot as I find her playing beer pong—her usual—so I make my way over. Pinching her butt, I step to the side, messing with her a little, and she turns—surprised—until she realizes it’s me. I get instantly embraced in an exaggerated hug and giggle, so she’s been drinking awhile.

“Damn, that was fast.” She smiles.

“I hurried. I want a beer and to see this guy again.”

“Okay, come on, there’s still liquor left too if you want a few shots.” She pokes her beer pong partner’s arm until he gives her some attention. “Play my turn; I’ll be right back.”

“You promise?” He slurs like the typical weak frat boy out of his neighborhood, causing me to roll my eyes. Another loser seems like, already pretty plastered and guaranteed to puke at some point.

“Be right back.” She nods to him and yanks my wrist, so I follow her toward the kitchen.