Page 46 of Princess

Bethany nods and sits back as I dial.

It rings and rings, but she doesn’t pick up. Her voicemail clicks on, which I never use, but decide to in this case. “Hey Mom, it’s me. Umm, I stopped over, but no one answered, so I guess you’re somewhere. I was hoping to talk to you about the guy I’m seeing. It’s becoming serious, so…well, I was thinking of bringing him by sometime. He’s…different. Anyhow, let me know what you think. Love you more,” I finish and hang up.

“That sounded a little strained.”

“It’s just weird because we’ve been talking over random messages, nothing consistent like it used to be. I sort of feel like I have this new life, and she’s not in it anymore. Ugh, I feel so shitty admitting that out loud.”

“It’ll all work out; just bring the big guy over with you sometime. She’s totally going to freak. You know that, right? He’s pretty much everything you’ve fought against. Your dad’s an alpha, in charge of all those guys, but Viking makes him look like a sweet old man. Not only that, but you’re in love, and she’s going to be so excited for you.”

“I’m not in love.” I turn the engine over, backing out.It’s too soon.

“Please Ol’ Lady; your ass is so in love.” She rolls her eyes and no matter how much I don’t want to, I laugh.

We head back to my apartment, and I swear to myself that I’m going to bring my Viking to meet her. She deserves to be included in my happiness, and I want my mom back.


Another pint-sized thugcharges at me, and I drive my blade into his chest, following up by swinging my hatchet into his kidney. It’s messy, but it works. At this point of the trip, I’m done fucking around.

I don’t know what the hell they’re feeding these assholes down here, but they’re goddamn runts compared to the brothers and me. It’s not that I’m complaining, there’s like twenty of them on us at a time. Not to mention they’re loaded down with weapons and walkie-talkies to call for more backup. At least I figure that’s what they’re radioing for; I have no idea. Watch it be a tank or some shit. After the run-in with the lions, couldn’t say it’d surprise me.

Shorty drops to the ground, gurgling in agony as he bleeds out. One of his buddies runs at me, and then falls flat on his ass when I extend my leg, getting him with a strong kick to the ribs. He gasps, attempting to catch his breath as I stride over to him and finish him off with a few swift kicks to his skull. Size fourteen, steel toed boots will do some serious damage when properly executed.

“Stupid fucker.” Grumbling, I shake my head at the two dead idiots at my feet. “Drink a damn protein shake next time.”

Saint steps beside me, covered in blood.

“Looks like you were playing with your food again.”

He smiles widely, and then let’s loose a loud, wicked laugh. “Hell yes, you know I like them bloody! Oh and Ex wants us to keep moving; he said to hit up the shed on the left. They’re checking the right, and then we need to meet back behind our building in case we need some cover.”

Nodding, I take the lead toward the small shack.

This place is trippy; it’s littered with these random square structures built out of cinder blocks. Reminds me of something you’d see when building a basement. Each has a steel door with a padlock holding it closed and one window covered in bars. I don’t know if they were making temporary cells to sort drugs or what.

Part of me’s a little hesitant to open them, knowing they’ve kidnapped people and shit. I swear if I open one and find a kid that’s been fucked up, I’m liable to go Rambo on every motherfucker here, taking them all out.

Saint digs through his rucksack again, coming back with some sturdy metal cutters. It takes him seconds to get the cheap lock off and step to the side. Putting everything away, he replaces it with his fully-automatic Glock Eighteen with a silencer. Once he’s ready, he nods.

Heaving the thick metal open, Saint points his weapon, ready to shoot any potential threats.

“Fuck,” I mutter out with a sigh.

“Holy shit, that’s all heroin?”

“Looks like it. Ex said we could bring some shit back with us if we had time, but I’m not running no fuckin’ H.”

“I have lighter fluid; we could try torching the place after we find the Russian.”

“Sounds good to me.”

Closing the door behind us, we silently creep around the back and wait for everyone else to meet up so we can go over the rest of the plan.

Leaning against the building, Saint glances over at me. “You talk to your Ol’ Lady?”

“Not today. What’s it to you?”

“Nothin’ brother, but bitches like it when you call them every day and text them pictures.”