Page 12 of Ruined Rose


After I finish pummeling the punching bag, I head back up to my room to shower again, noting that the glass has been swept from the foyer and there’s no sign that anything was ever amiss.

Once I’ve dressed, I grab my phone, noticing that there are a ton of Insta notifications. No doubt Alora has been busy posting photos from last night. I never went back into the dance after I’d told her I was taking a piss, so I’m surprised she hadn’t given me shit about it. Just goes to show all she’d really been there for last night was her crowning moment—literally. With a sigh, I glance through the photos she posted last night. Just a few. Huh.

The other two-thirds of the notifications aren’t, in fact, from Alora. They’re from other people who’d been in attendance. And all the shots are of Daphne kissing Griff. Each post has a ton of comments. People are wondering about the identity of the girl who caught his attention, whether or not she was his date, and if she goes to Rosehaven. How do these people not realize who she is?

While none of the photos have a clear shot of her face, it’s obvious to me who it is. My fists clench and the pressure makes the newly mending skin pull apart again.

It’s entirely possible she has no idea the photos are floating around online. Would she care?

Fuck. I do. I care.

But what the hell do I do about it? It’s out there. Which is exactly why I have to do what Alora says. Once that kind of shit’s out there, there’s no taking it back. And what Alora has is far, far worse.

I shoot a quick text to Beau.

Me:Who the hell is posting all of these photos?

Beau:You mean the shots of Griff with your girl?


Beau:Um. From the looks of it, it’s random, like whoever was fast enough with their phones.


Beau:Finally jealous?

Beau:Finally going to admit that you care?

Me:Look. There’s shit going on that you don’t know about.

Me:This is bad enough. Daph will hate that these photos are out there.

Beau:Is that it? Or are you upset that it’s not you in them?

Me:Fuck you.

I pause, steam practically rolling out of my ears. He’s always known what to say to piss me off. And to make me tell the truth. My teeth sink into my lip as I respond, and I wince when I press on the spot where Alora bit me. It’s all good. The pain will keep me focused.



Beau:Well, I’d be happy to help you out, but apparently you don’t trust me anymore.

Me:Quit acting like a little bitch.

Beau:I’m not the one about to lose my shit.

Beau:All over a girl I supposedly couldn’t care less about.

Me:Asshole …

I heave out a frustrated breath. There are only two people on this earth I’d trust with anything, and Beau is one of them.

Me:Fine. I’ll tell you. But you have to promise to help me.

Beau:Always, brother.

I can imagine the shit-eating grin on that asshole’s face.

Me: Come over later. I’ll tell you everything.

Beau:You got it.