Page 15 of Ruined Rose


Iflex and contract my right hand as I take my seat in Computer Information Systems. My knuckles have taken a beating the last few days. It’s all good, though. The pain that shoots through my hand as I move my fingers is a reminder of the lengths I’ll go to protect Daphne. Take Alora to homecoming and end up feeling like such shit that I pummeled the punching bag the next morning? Yep, that was for her. Beat the snot out of Shayne? Also for her. Carter had better watch his step. He still has his ass-kicking coming.

Beau looks up from his computer screen and shoots me a curious grin. “I heard you pummeled Shayne this morning.”

I side eye him. “How the fuck is that already going around?”

“Word travels fast. All it takes is one person seeing what went down in the parking lot and it’s all over school before the bell rings for first period. Technology makes gossip spread like a wildfire.”

I don’t remember seeing anyone watching, but someone else must have been there. I sure as fuck hadn’t said a word to anyone, and I know Daphne wouldn’t have either.

Speaking of, I need to decide how to approach things with her. I can’t come out and tell her the whole truth of why I was at the dance with Alora, but maybe there’s a way to smooth things over.

Beau sits back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. “So? What really happened this morning?”

“When I got there, Shayne and Carter were all shoved up against Daphne, pinning her to her car.” I scrub my hands over my head. “It’s probably best I never find out what they were saying or I might end up killing them both.”

“How are you going to deal with being on the field with them?”

I shake my head. “I have no fucking clue. Shayne is lucky I didn’t take his head off.” I growl, “And that pussy Carter ran his gutless ass home.”

“How’s Sweetness?”

I roll my eyes at his nickname for my girl. “She seemed … shaken. Not enough to keep from throwing in my face how bad I hurt her, though.”

Beau has the audacity to laugh. “Good for her.” When he sees me frown, he holds up a hand. “I know, I know. I still think you should tell her the crazy bitch move Alora pulled.”

“She would freak out if she knew there was video out there of the two of us. I’ll figure out how to deal with it. I need time.”

“Tough call, man. Maybe there’s something you can say to Daphne, though.”

“Like what?” I shoot him a disgruntled look.

Beau slaps his hand to my shoulder. “Micah, my man… you may have to actually open up and share your true feelings with her. With your words, not just your dick.”