Page 31 of Ruined Rose


Ido believe him. I also believe that Alora is unhinged enough that I’d better keep an eye on her. This totally sucks—the first time I’m interested in someone and he’s interested back, I have to do what? Hide it? It’s such bullshit.

I’m about midway up the stairs when my parents’ door opens. Oh, shit. Mom steps out into the hallway and pulls the door shut behind her. She jerks her head toward my room and, crossing her arms over her chest, strides quickly into my bedroom.

I follow at a much slower pace. Shit. Does she know I was outside with Micah?

Upon entering my room, my eyes connect with hers. She’s seated herself on my desk chair and appears calm but I wonder …

“Sit, please.”

My eyes flare with worry at her tone. “Okay,” I mumble.

She frowns, looking me up and down. Her eyes narrow. “Sweetie, I thought you’d gone to bed a long time ago.”

“I was thirsty.” I press my lips together, hoping she buys that. And all of a sudden, I am thirsty—my throat has gone dry from the lie that fell so easily from my mouth. I’m afraid to know how many more I’m about to tell.

She nods, still studying me in that parental way of hers. “We never really discussed what happened at the dance. You looked so sad when you came home, I’ve been afraid to bring it up.” Her teeth clench together. “Daph, when you wore Micah’s jersey on Friday, I really did think it meant something. And I know you went to the dance with Max because it was already planned but …” She shakes her head. “Honey, I’ve been hearing things.”

My eyes bug out. “Things? Like what? From who?”

“Some girls. I think they’re on the cheer team. They were in the bookstore earlier this evening getting coffee. I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, but they weren’t exactly being quiet about it.”

I cover my eyes with my hands and peek out from between my fingers. “What did they say?”

“They were talking about how crazy it was that you were kissing Micah at school Friday morning and had worn his jersey, but then he showed up with Alora as his date … and then something about you kissing another boy in the middle of the dance floor.”

“Oh.” My face flushes with embarrassment.

Mom takes a deep breath, then exhales slowly. “Your dad and I figured something had really gone south between the two of you. So, you can imagine how surprised we were to see Micah here tonight.”

I nod, looking around the room, my gaze landing on a Star Wars poster, some books stacked on my desk, and finally the mirror above my dresser. “It’s just dumb high school stuff.”

Her lips press together. “Okay. But remember, I was in high school once upon a time. I remember being your age and how much fun it was sometimes. And then there were other times when it was hard, and I wanted to crawl into a hole and die.”

My brows shoot up but I remain silent.

“Anyway, I feel terrible that we haven’t been around much lately.”

My gaze flicks to hers. “I’m fine. Really.”

With a sigh, she rises from the chair and pats me on the shoulder. “You’ll let us know if you’re ever not able to handle things, right?”

“Yeah. I promise.”

“Okay, Daphne.” She starts to walk away, then stops, turning back to me. “I wish I didn’t have to say this… but Daph? We’re trusting you to make good decisions.”

I nod as my stomach positively churns. Ugh.

As soon as she closes my door behind her, I’ve got my phone out, swiping it open and pulling up my text messages. I find the group text thread Scarlett, Max, and I have going. I guess I’d missed some texts. Probably around the time Micah had come over. No idea why I’d have missed them. None at all …

Scarlett:Okay, WTF happened in the locker room after football practice?

Scarlett:Anyone know? Xander won’t say much.

Max:As much as I wish I’d been in the locker room to see …

Max:I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.