Page 33 of Ruined Rose

Max: She’s the root of all evil.

If only they knew the whole truth of what’s going on with Alora. But, oh my God, I could never say anything. What if she shows people that private moment between me and Micah?

Me:And I know you aren’t going to believe this.

Me:But Micah was doing his best to protect me.

Scarlett:Say WHAT?

Me:It’s true. Alora is out of control. She’s making all these threats.

Me: And he swears he’s going to stop her.

Max: I have no idea how to process half of what you just said.

Scarlett:Does this mean you guys are together?

I take a deep breath before tapping out my response. Confirming this is kind of huge.

Me:Yes. But don’t tell anyone.

Max:Daph, I’ve got to go all Max Daddy on you now—you’re okay?

Max:With Micah, I mean… Not in over your head?

Max:You know what everyone says about him and his little harem.


Me:Yes. I’m okay.

Me:More than okay.

Scarlett:Holy shit.

Me:No comment.

Max:Are you mattress dancing with Micah?

Me:No comment.