Page 42 of Ruined Rose

Max:Did they ask him to help?

Me:They did not. He straight-up offered on his own.

Scarlett:I wonder if that’s his way of saying …

Scarlett:Sorry I got into your daughter’s pants.

Scarlett:But I actually really like her.


Max:Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!

Me:You guys are awful.

Me:And you’re probably right.

Me:But …


Me:He totally knows they’re having a tough time.

Scarlett:Aw. That’s actually really sweet that he’d offer, then.

Me:Anyway, that’s the update. Gotta go. I’m supposed to be working.

It’s about an hour later when my parents and Micah come back up to the front of the store. They are each covered in a fine film of dust and who knows what else.

I shoot them a grin. “Well, how’d it go?”

Mom nods. “I thought we’d never get it done, but with the two of them doing the heavy lifting and me directing, it looks way better in there and we’ll have a much better handle on what stock we have and what we need to order. Not to mention, I can finally locate things I need again.” She steps behind the counter with me, ducking down to locate her purse. She pulls her wallet out.

I cringe. Uh-oh. I know what’s coming. She feels obligated to pay him.

As I thought, she pulls out a crisp twenty and holds it out to him. “A little something to thank you for your help.”

Micah, to his credit, looks a little embarrassed and holds his hands up to stop her. “Oh, no. You don’t owe me anything.”


Dad intervenes. “Let the boy do something nice for his girlfriend’s parents.”

Mom’s brows inch up. “Oh.” She glances between me and Micah. “Well, okay. You’re sure, Micah?”

“I promise you it’s fine. But … would you mind if I spoke to Daphne for a few minutes before I go?”

She smiles as she tucks the money back into her wallet. “Not at all. Daphne, we can close.”

“Okay.” Pulling my book bag out, I step from behind the counter. I’m about to hike it over my head when Micah takes it out of my hands.

“I got it.” With a teasing grin, he slings it over his shoulder. “That’s what boyfriends are for, right?” He wiggles his eyebrows at me a little. I’m totally not used to using terms like boyfriend and girlfriend with each other. This dating stuff is so confusing.

With a quick glance at my parents, I manage, “Okay.” I’m pretty sure my face has just turned as red as a cherry Starburst. Or at least as pink as one of the strawberry ones. “Thank you.”

I lead Micah through the store and out the back to the employee parking lot. When we reach my sedan, I whirl around, lip caught between my teeth.

Micah steps close, lifting one hand and tracing his finger along my jaw, then slipping down to my throat, grazing my pulse point. He steadily looks into my eyes while the warmth of his big body has my insides doing a tango.