Page 50 of Ruined Rose


The lunchroom is wild today. People dressed up for Halloween everywhere I look. Personally, I’m no more a fan of spending an entire day in costume than I was of Spirit Week. It does make for good entertainment, though.

I dodge three sexy wizards, a sexy witch, and two sexy cats on my way to the table Scarlett and Max have saved for us. I roll my eyes a little. Why does everything have to be so sexy? I swear, anytime there is a chance to flout the academy’s rules on uniform restrictions my classmates are all over it.

It’s one thing to not join in on this mess at school but when Max mentioned that everyone dresses up for whichever party lands closest to Halloween, I knew I’d stand out more without a costume, so I’d dug out one I’ve worn before. I hope Micah likes what I’ll be wearing later tonight because it’s all I had in my closet.

Sitting down to eat with Max and Scarlett, I greet them and then pick up my hamburger to take a big bite. For once I’m hungry.

They’re deep in conversation. Something about a cryptic text message that has the whole school buzzing. Apparently, everyone but me.

Frowning, I swallow my food and wipe my mouth. “Hey, wait, I’m lost. What are you talking about?”

“You didn’t get a weird text last period?” Scarlett stops with a fry halfway to her mouth.

I shake my head. “Um, no. Not that I know of.” Reaching into my blazer pocket, I glance at my phone. “I don’t have any notifications.”

Max laughs. “Okay, well, it’s the weirdest thing ever. I was working on an article for the newspaper and all of a sudden, there was this low rumble as one person after another all got the same text message from an unknown number.”

“Noooo,” I laugh. “Not unknown numbers again.”

Scarlett smirks at me. “I said the same thing. I’ve had enough weird text messages for a lifetime.”

“Well, don’t hold back, I want to see what it said.”

Max pulls up the text and hands his phone to me.

I read it aloud. “Revenge is sweet. You’re going to EAT this up. Be at Micah’s by eleven.” My brows go up. That is weird. “So, no one knows who sent it or what it could mean?”

“I’m guessing our mystery friend isn’t happy with someone and is about to carry out some sort of heinous revenge plot.” Scarlett shrugs, making a funny face complete with crazy eyes.

My hamburger suddenly tastes dry and is getting stuck in my throat. I take a sip of water. The more I think about it, the more I don’t like the sound of that text message. There’s only one person I can think of who would do something so obnoxious.


Max sputters with laughter. “Can’t wait to see what it’s all about. Kind of fucked-up to text everyone to show up so you can take revenge on someone, if you ask me, but so are most things at this school.”

I shove my food tray away from me, my appetite only a memory. Oh, God.I wonder if this is it. I spend the rest of our lunch period straight-up panicking what’s about to happen after eleven at Micah’s. It’s more than worrisome that I seem to be the only one who hadn’t received the ugly invitation.

Me: Hey, Micah? Did you get that weird text?

Micah:Yeah. Not looking forward to tonight.