Page 64 of Ruined Rose

While waiting for the doctor to sign off on my release paperwork, I ask Mom to send Max back to see me. A few minutes later, he’s there at the doorway, peeking in, worry etched all over his face.

“Hey. Come on in.” Judging by Max’s expression, my voice must sound as bad as my face looks.

“Ohh, Daph.” He sucks in some air through his teeth.

“I haven’t seen myself yet. Do I look awful?”

He shrugs as he comes closer. “Eh. It looks like you’ve spent the night crying, but you’re still beautiful.”

I pat my hand on the side of the bed. “Sit with me?” Scooting over, I make room for him, and he carefully climbs onto the bed, tucking his arm around my shoulders and holding me close to his side.



He ducks close to my ear and whispers, “You look freaking hot in this sexy hospital gown.”

The laugh that sputters from me is unexpected but welcome, and he gives me a gentle squeeze.

“How are you feeling?”

“Like I crashed into a ditch.”

“I figured.” We’re quiet for a minute before he continues. “Micah is devastated. He’s blaming himself for texting and calling you while you were driving.”

I sigh. “It’s not his fault. It was pouring down rain and I was crying and … I don’t really know what happened. I was trying to turn off my phone when I crashed. I should have pulled over, but I didn’t.” I wet my lip. “What’s your take on what happened last night? After listening to what everyone has said, I mean. I’m sure you heard all the details, right?”

“Yeah. You saw exactly what Alora wanted you to see, Daph. And because she planted a seed of doubt there before, it was easy for you to react like that. We think her plan was to take another video, this time of her and Micah. I get she thought that would make you leave him, but how she thought that would help her win Micah, I have no idea.”

My eyelids slam shut. “I should have marched over there and told that bitch to get her hands off my man.”

Max groans. “Alora’s such fucking bad news. I don’t want to upset you, but I heard she sent the video of you and Micah out to people from a burner phone, too. It’s all over town.”

“I know. My parents heard about it this morning.”

“Oh. That’s cringeworthy. How do you feel about having your business out there for everyone to see?”

“I mean, I’m going to have trouble looking my dad in the eye when I see him later but what’s done is done. If I don’t look at it like that, I’ll spend the next ten years living inside my bedroom. At least you can’t see my face, right?” I offer him a weak smile, which he returns. Then I suck in a breath and deliver news I know Max will object to. “And they want to transfer me out of Rosehaven.” Saying the words makes me want to cry all over again.

“What? No! Not happening.”

“Yeah. They’re beginning to realize that while they’ve been busy trying to save their bookstore, I’ve been going through a rough patch.”

“Do you want to leave?”

“No. Not really.”

“It’s your scholarship, Daph, and you’re eighteen already. I’d argue that you should be allowed to decide.”

“I know. I’m hoping they’ll go for whatever I tell them I can handle. I told Mom I’d think about it.”

“And what are you going to do about Micah?”

“I’m not sure. So much has happened, I can’t think straight. Could you tell him not to worry, but that I need some time?”