Page 66 of Ruined Rose


Not knowing what’s going on with Daphne is driving me out of my mind. When Max contacted me on Sunday after seeing her, he’d said she was trying to wrap her head around everything and wanted us to wait for her to reach out.

I’m dying a little more inside with each passing hour. I’d replaced my phone first thing after Daphne’s parents kicked me out of the hospital in hopes she would contact me when she got home. I don’t want to push her, but damn, I need to see her face. It’s only been a few days since I saw her Friday night—I hadn’t actually seen her at Beau’s before the accident—but I’m not handling our separation well.

An incoming text startles me even though I’d set my phone on the lunch table on purpose, hoping I’d hear from her.

Daphne:I told my parents the full story about the assault.

Daphne:That’s why I haven’t been in touch.

Daphne:We’re working through some stuff. They took me to see a therapist today.

Daphne:I’ll be back in school on Friday.

Nerves form a ball in my stomach. I wish I could have been there with her. I wonder what drove her to tell them after all this time.

Me:Are you okay?

Daphne:I will be. We’ll talk soon.

Me:I miss the hell out of you, Daph.

Feeling a little sick to my stomach, I push away my lunch just in time to see Alora, Danica, and Farrah saunter in our direction. “Excuse me.” Alora sidles up between Jack Stone and Mitchell Jones and pokes Jack in the arm. “Can I sit here?”

When he turns and sees who it is, he simply turns back around, shaking his head. “Nope.”

Aria gives the girls a saucy smirk. “Sorry. You can’t sit with us.” She winks. I swear to God, it’s like she’s channeling that chick from Mean Girls. All at once, my teammates fill empty seats with book bags or drape their arms over the back of the chairs, effectively blocking anyone else from joining us.

Alora’s beady eyes narrow before she flicks her ponytail over her shoulder and struts away. Farrah and Danica are close to tears, mouths wide open, as they turn to follow. They should probably rethink their friendship with Alora.

Eventually, I’ve had enough of the lunchroom. I’ve got other shit to take care of.

On my way toward the exit, I point directly at Alora where she’s been sitting with Farrah and Danica and jerk my head toward the door.

I don’t wait for her, instead heading out to the benches in the deserted hallway. There’s not a whole lot left to be said, but I want to make damn sure I’m completely understood. I sit, check the time on my phone, and tap the screen a few times before setting it on the bench next to me. Leaning forward, I prop my elbows on my thighs, holding up my chin with my hands.

Alora comes out a minute later, her lips twisted into an ugly grin. “Glad to see you’re done freezing me out.” Not by a long shot. “Did your girlfriend get off on me sending that video of her slutty snatch to half the town?”

My brows shoot up. I’m not all that surprised that she’s admitting to doing it, just shocked that she thinks she’s still in control and has a leg to stand on with me.

“I couldn’t decide if she’d love it or cry. Not that I care either way. How’d you explain me sucking your cock to her?” She snorts, grinning.

I let out a humorless laugh. “You know as well as I do that didn’t happen. You set that shit up for more blackmail.”

“It was better than blackmail.” She fake pouts and in a mockingly sympathetic tone says, “You should have seen the look on poor Double D’s face when she poked her head through the door and heard me whispering filthy things to you as I unzipped your pants.”

“I wouldn’t stick my dick within a mile of your mouth. All those fangs are dangerous. You’d probably bite it off.”

She laughs. “So why’d you bring me out here, Micah? Miss me and my tits?”

“I wanted to let you know that your time is coming.” I shrug. “You won’t know when or where or what is about to happen until it’s too damn late.”

“Are you threatening me, Micah?”

“Were you blackmailing me, Alora? Were you taking out your petty jealousy on Daphne?”

She rolls her eyes. “Oh, please. I’m not the only one who thinks she’s trash. Shayne and Carter hate her, too. They helped you know.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” I growl. This information doesn’t really surprise me, but they had been warned not to fuck with Daphne.

“They’re the ones who actually figured out how to use the projector and hid it before the party. They ran it from the pool house.”

At my shocked face, she laughs. “What? You had no idea they were still gunning for her? You thought they conveniently forgave you for getting them in trouble with their parents and worse, with Coach Roland? It wasn’t hard to convince them to help take her down. I still don’t know what you see in her.”

I look at Alora, unable to hide my disgust. “That’s easy. She’s everything you’re not.”