Page 7 of Ruined Rose

I stalk off the floor, hoping my rapid exit doesn’t further exacerbate this feud we have going.

Scarlett is waiting for me on the edge of the dance floor. In an attempt to stalk past, I pick up my speed, but she’s right on me, moving as fast as she can in her heels. She finally yanks on my elbow, and as I whirl around, she pokes her finger into my pec. “You know, Micah, I thought you were better than this. Do you have any idea how badly you hurt Daphne tonight?”

Lips pressed together in a thin line, I exhale sharply through my nose as I stare coldly at her. “I had no idea she liked me like that. I know for a fucking fact Xander has told you I don’t do relationships. I prefer to keep things simple.”

Her blue eyes blaze at me. “Are you fucking kidding me right now? What’s this with Alora, then?” With an expression full of contempt, Scarlett crosses her arms over her chest, waiting for me to answer.

“I don’t know what you want from me, Scarlett. I’m being exactly who I’ve always been.”

“But why? Why did you mess around with Daphne like you did, then?”

I shrug, noncommittal. “I thought she was cool with it.”

“Cut the shit, Micah.” She holds her hand up. “If you can’t be honest, I’m done. But know that I’m not going to forget you stomped all over my friend’s heart. I told her you were a good guy. When she was nervous about what she was feeling for you, I reassured her.”

I give her my best bored face. I can’t tell her, so I don’t say a word. Instead, I work my jaw back and forth as I stare down at the fiery redhead who has my friend all pussy-whipped.

She throws her arms up in the air, anger flashing in her eyes. “Really? Nothing to say? I thought we were better friends than that. Well, fuck you, Micah.” Xander has wandered over just in time to catch that last bit. His brows raise and he shakes his head. He wraps an arm around an irate Scarlett and escorts her away from me with an irritated glance over his shoulder.

My gaze follows their path until they hook up with Max and Daphne off to one side of the door. Scarlett and Xander are both talking at the same time, arguing from the look of it, and every once in a while, sneaking a peek in my direction.

Beau sidles up to me, curiosity filling his gaze. His voice rumbles low. “Bro, seriously. What the fuck is going on?”

Besides me getting ready to seek out Griffin and fucking kill him for putting his hands on my girl? “Nothing, man.”I rub my thumb over my lower lip, wincing when it touches the spot where Alora sank her teeth into me tonight. Twice.

His lips twist into a scowl as he studies me. “That’s all you have to say?” Beau’s not one to give up so easily.

I nod, grimacing.

He coughs, giving a dark chuckle. “Well, I don’t know what this whole shitshow is all about, not when you have a girl who so clearly adores you … but, brother, you might want to know about a little something.”

My brows flick upward almost imperceptibly.

“Griffin asked me for Daphne’s number.” He shakes his head, and then seeing my jaw go rigid, holds his hands up. “Calm the fuck down. I don’t have it to give to him.” His mouth twitches part way to a smile, no doubt to piss me off. “But I think he’s really into her.”

I stare ahead, trying not to allow him to see what this is doing to me.

“Nothing to say to that, huh?” He rubs his jaw, eyeing me.

I give a swift jerk of my head and cross my arms over my chest.

“I mean, who wouldn’t want a sexy girl walking up to them and laying one on ’em like that, you know? It was totally hot.” He shrugs. “Made my dick hard. How about yours? I know you watched the whole thing.”

I’m fucking smashed, and the last thing I need is this shit. “Fuck off, Beau.”

“Yeah, don’t worry about me. But know that I call bullshit on all of this. You really fucking like that girl and you know it. She liked you, too. Liked. Past tense, man. In fact, from what Xander told me, you fucking crushed her tonight. I can’t even believe she’s stuck around. Girl’s got some big lady balls. You broke her fucking heart, and she marched right back in here and showed you how strong she really is. The only thing that isn’t clear is why. Why the fuck would you treat her like that?”

When I don’t answer, he continues. “You know what? I’m so fucking sick of you and Xander not trusting me with any of this stuff. You didn’t even tell me you were into her. I had to figure it out for myself. And now something is clearly not right with you, but you’re not saying shit.”

His eyes travel to Alora, who is busily chattering among her friends about being the queen and how pretty her crown is. “I have a guess, but I still don’t get it—don’t understand why.” He shakes his head, his teeth clamped down on his lower lip, and walks away.

No one fucking gets it. They can’t.