“I hope it’s good. I can’t take any more bad news,” Joey said as she rubbed her belly.

“How’s the little one?” Ariel asked.

“Training for soccer,” Joey said taking Ariel’s hand and placing it on her belly.

The little nudges were tiny miracles. “I can’t believe you’re going to be a mommy soon, Joey.”

“I know; me either. I never gave the marriage and motherhood thing much thought. After watching my mom bring me up alone, I wasn’t sure it would be for me.”

“And now?” Ariel asked studying her friend.

“I couldn’t be more excited,” Joey said with a goofy smile.

“Hey, I want to say hi to the munchkin too,” Evonne said in greeting.

“Hello to you too. I guess I’d best get used to being ignored while people go straight for the baby,” Joey said.

They all laughed as Evonne said her proper hellos to the baby bump.

Juliette opened the door. “You girls are as loud as a bunch of teens.”

They entered the cabin and headed for the kitchen.

“You know, I can’t remember the last time we did this,” Juliette said.

“I know; it’s sad. We need to get back to our weekly gatherings, even if it’s only at someone’s house,” Evonne said.

“What did you want to talk to us about?” Juliette asked as they took their seats around the kitchen island.

“Emmit and Linden are dead. I just had it confirmed by Specs and Gadget. Their business was burned to the ground, and we believe the place and their records were wiped clean.”

Juliette’s hand shook as she tucked a few stray strands of hair behind her ear. “A-are you sure?”

“Tortured, chopped into tiny pieces, and burned along with their bullshit flesh-peddling empire.”

“Oh my God.” Juliette’s voice cracked, and she covered her face. Her shoulders shook. Ariel slipped from her chair and walked over, hugging her as Evonne and Joey followed her, lending their support.

“We survived this and we’re going to heal and learn how to live without looking over our shoulders,” Ariel said.

“Can we even do that?” Juliette asked.

“Yes. With counseling, time and support, absolutely,” Evonne said.

“We always said we could get through anything together. But I never expected that theory to be put to the test like this,” Joey said.

Ariel closed her eyes and soaked up the love, acceptance, and strength present in the room.

“So, who’s going to talk about the elephant in the room?” Joey said.

They moved back to their chairs. “What’s that?”

“Um, you being Hawk’s old lady?” Juliette said.

“Your sexual deviancy right there for all to see,” Joey said wiggling her eyebrows.

“Yes, let’s talk about that,” Evonne said.

“Here I thought you guys were going to be nice and never mention that.”