“We should call the in cavalry before we go any further.” Juliette waved her hand, catching Hil and Evonne’s attention.

They wrapped up their conversation and joined them.

“What’s up?” Evonne asked.

/> “Where did your shadow go?” Hil said with a wink.

“He’s not that bad,” Juliette huffed.

“Hmm, if you say so.” Hil smirked.

“We picked a wedding date. June fifth,” Juliette said.

“Six months from now. That’s barely enough time to do anything!” Hil said.

“We need to start ordering things now. Booking venues, caterers and an officiate,” Evonne added.

Juliette flashed Joey a look that screamed, See what I mean?

“Guys.” Joey held up her hand. “This is Jul and Shooter we’re talking about. They want it laid-back, personalized and fun.”

“It’s her day too,” Hil said. Since her parents’ marriage disintegrated she’d seen love as a battlefield to approach with caution.

“She’s aware of that, Hil. Does Jul really strike you as the big overdone, bling-princess type?” Joey said, refusing to back down as she shifted her weight. Hilary often took on the role of unofficial leader because of her go-getter attitude, but Joey could hold her own ground too.

“No, I guess not.” Hil furrowed her brow.

“Tell us what you’d like to see happen,” Evonne said. Her gentle urging washed away the bitter tinge left by Hil’s aggression.

“Small, intimate, and outdoors. I’m thinking of going with an unconventional color scheme as well.” Juliette beamed.

They talked among themselves about the wedding.

“Ladies.” The boisterous booming voice made the girls jump.

Joey’s stomach tightened as she peered up into Moose’s wicked blue eyes. She’d never had a thing for a man with a beard. Still, there wasn’t a damn thing about this man she didn’t like.

“I hear you and I will be playing best man and maid of honor roles,” Moose teased, fixing his bright gaze on her.

“Yes, we will. You ready for it?” She lifted an eyebrow and leaned toward him.

He shrugged. “Piece of cake.”

Electricity popped and crackled in the air between them. Her panties grew wet, and her nipples strained against her bra. The man turned her on like a light switch. Just the sound of his voice rumbling in his chest made her want to climb him like a tree and do dirty things. Her cheeks flamed.

“We’ll see if he still agrees with that statement in a few months,” Hil muttered.

“I’m pretty sure me and my girl got this handled, right?” Moose continued to hold her gaze.

Joey melted on the inside as she answered, “Most definitely.”

His lips twitched upward. “I was just about to get another drink. You need a refill?”

I could think of a few things for you to fill, and none of them are this cup. “I could use a new drink.”

Moose took her cup, tossing it in the nearest trash can, and turned away.

Following him as if she’d been doing it for years, she felt the girls’ eyes on her back. They’ll be reading me the riot act later. Focused, she ignored them, tired of pretending the chemistry between her and Moose didn’t exist. The tiny voice in her brain screamed out a warning. Mom walked this path and look where it landed her. Too many women thought they would change the man they dated. That they would become the exception when it came to bikers, and that somehow their relationship would be more important than the vow the bikers had given their president. She wasn’t so naïve. At least, that’s what she told herself.