Her easy acceptance pleased him. Moose couldn’t stand a chick who didn’t know shit about the lifestyle coming in and questioning his choices. Some biker bunnies thought this shit was a television show, and then they couldn’t handle the reality. He’d seen many a brother burned when they put their faith in the wrong woman. That’s never going to be me, man. “Let’s walk.”

She fell into step with him, lingering about half a step behind.

Moose wondered once more about her. She’d always carried a mysterious vibe. They passed the back

entrance. She slipped out the door with a small wave, and they went their separate ways silently.

He stepped out the front door and walked toward his bike with Specs not far behind.

“What was up with that?” Specs asked.

“Poor decision-making skills,” Moose grumbled.

“Hey, Joey’s good people,” Spec countered.

“I’m not saying she isn’t. We both know girls like that expect certain things. Things I’m not willing to give.” Moose shrugged.

“Sounds like you’re making this a lot more complex than it needs to be, brother.”

“Maybe, but I think it’s best not to shit where you eat though.” The words were more for himself than Specs.

“Wasn’t what you were thinking in the hallway.” Specs snickered.

“Fuck you.” They reached their bikes and Moose paused. “Want to tell me what was so important you had to take away my first decent shot at pussy in who knows how long? That was prime A grade. Not the kind that’s been had by everyone in this fucking place.”

“What else? Princess Katie needs to be rescued,” Specs said, rolling his eyes.

“Jesus Christ, from what this time?” Moose asked. “That girl gets into more trouble than any two brothers put together.”

“She’s at a frat party and the pretty boy she’s with had too much to drink,” Specs explained while turning over his engine.

“Those assholes are way worse than any of us. We’d never put our lady in danger like that.” Moose said. A perma scowl settled over his lips. “Why do we need two?”

“Prez didn’t want to have any of us walking into a powder keg alone. I don’t think he likes the look of her new man.”

“She wants his attention so bad, she’s bending over backwards to get it any way she can. Been that way since Boston came on the scene and her old man settled down.”

Specs shrugged. “Used to being the only female that mattered, I bet.”

“Yeah, well. This shit is wearing thin.” Moose placed his black matte helmet on his head and started his bike. “You know where we’re going, so I’ll follow you.”

Specs roared off and Moose followed, cursing Katie and his own lapse in judgment. Now that he’d tasted Joey’s lips, he wouldn’t be satisfied until he sampled the rest. No matter what common sense told him.

Two hours later, they pulled back into the club’s parking lot. The party seemed to have dwindled, and the noise level finally receded to a sane level. Irritated, Moose parked his bike, and prowled inside, ready for a little tension reliever. The bar scene had thinned. Most of the women were gone or tucked away in a room already. He stalked through the main room and popped out through the back door. The fire had burned down. A few small groups were scattered in tiny clumps.

While his eyes adjusted he scanned the area. His gaze latched onto a familiar frame.

Joey laughed at something Lefty said.

His jaw ticked and his vision blurred. Oh fuck no. If any asshole here is getting in her pants, it’s going to be me.

Joey glanced up and tensed as if she could read the murderous thoughts going through his mind.

His hand itched to connect with Lefty’s square jaw. The olive-skinned Casanova dipped his stick into anything that walked. Joey deserved better than that. He at least, would be discreet. Lefty had a habit of bragging about his latest conquests to anyone who’d listen. The thought of anyone slandering the bubbly woman’s name pissed him off. “Lefty.” Moose nodded at his brother while he stared Joey down.

“Hey man, I was just regaling Joey here with some stories,” Lefty said.

I bet you were. “Yeah.” Moose crowded her space and wrapped an arm around her waist, looking Lefty in the eye. He had just staked his claim.