Chapter Thirteen

An hour later Moose sat in the small office while Specs and Gadget attempted to locate the slippery fucker known as Levi Hampton. The girls had given them all the information they had. No one had his phone number, and other than his last name, there was next to nothing to go on.

“They can’t have disappeared without a trace, right?” Hilary asked. Her mouth trembled, and her eyes grew glassy.

“The man has a lot of money. That makes the impossible, possible,” Juliette said.

“Don’t say that,” Hil snapped, damn near taking her head off.

“Look, we’re all tense, but this won’t get us anywhere,” Shooter said.

Moose ground his teeth. Nothing he had to say would be nice. It was better to keep his trap shut.

“I think I got something on Levi. Whoever doctored his information was good, but no one disappears completely. I know why we couldn’t find shit on Levi. He used to be Lawrence Russell. His eyes are listed as blue, and his hair is blond, and most of his important paperwork is signed with that name,” Gadget said.

“Lawrence,” Juliette whispered. “God, how far will they go?”

“Wait—you know him?” Shooter asked.

“Yes.” Juliette nodded. “He was one of Peter’s friends. I never met him personally, but Peter spoke of him often.”

“Jesus Christ, this motherfucker will not go away!” Shooter slammed his fist down.

Glasses rattled, and the girls jumped.

“I have him,” Gadget interjected. “You’re not going to like it. He’s approaching a private airport in Mansfield.”

“How far away?”

“Fifteen minutes.”

“I’ll make it ten. Let’s go,” Moose said jumping up.

“We don’t even know if he’s alone,” Specs said.

“You think I give a shit about that right now? I’ll take on a fucking army for Joey,” Moose said. He rose and jogged out the door. “Tiny, we got him!” Moose yelled.

Tiny stalked over. “Where’s the fucker at?”

“Private airport,” Shooter answered. “We’re on our way to catch him before he gets away.”

“Take as many people as you need. I don’t want to lose him,” Tiny said.

“I’ll put my people in the parking lot. He’

s not slipping past us a second time,” Wanderer announced.

“Moose, you taking lead on this?” Tiny asked.

“Damn straight,” Moose said.

“I figured as much. Keep your vests on. I don’t want any more men down,” Tiny said.

You all need to stay here,” Moose ordered the women.

“No one leave until we’re back with Joey, okay? We need to know you’re secure,” Shooter told the women.

Juliette nodded. “Just bring her back fast, please.”