“How do you deal with all this?”

“Me personally? By any means necessary.” The friendliness and compassion left her voice, and her delicate face turned to granite. She reminded her of a carved angel statue. “I’ve busted bitches’ heads open, had them banned, whatever it took to get my point across. Being with Prez, everyone is vying for your position by his side. So my experiences are worlds away from the ones you’ll have.”

Astounded by the fresh batch of information, Juliette nodded.

“Don’t let what I’ve said scare you. It’s a great life. This family takes care of its own and lives away from the pressures society places on people. You just have to be willing to flex a little muscle every now and then.” Boston curved her right arm, displaying well-developed biceps, and Juliette snickered.

“For Shooter I think I could manage. I got a crazy side. I just try not to access it on a regular basis.”

“I thought I sensed that about you.” Boston winked. “There are some good girls here tonight. I’ll introduce you and bring you back to Shooter before he gets too worried. It’s fun seeing this side of him. I could see the concern mounting in his eyes when you moved out of view.”

“Really?” Intrigued, she leaned forward in her chair. “What’s he like?”

“Funny, cool, calm, collected and bad-ass. All the things that attracted you to him in the first place, must be a byproduct of all that time he spent in the military.”

“That was my thought too.” Juliette nodded in agreement.

“Come on, I think we could both use another drink, and Anisa and Rikki are dying to meet you. There aren’t too many old ladies around here.”

Returning to the crowd with a lot more confidence, she found herself able to enjoy the experience. They were people she’d never come into contact with if it weren’t for Shooter. They were all bigger than life, blunt, and yet, a sense of camaraderie existed between them. Treated with respect by the people she met and taken under the wings of Rikki, Anisa and Boston, she was high on success and buzzed when they returned to Shooter, Tiny and Moose.

“Hey, baby, how’re you doing?” He scanned her face. The visible concern sent a feeling she didn’t want to examine closely through her body.

“Good.” Rising up on her tiptoes, she pressed a quick kiss to his lips.

“They treating you right?”

“Yes,” she spoke against his lips. “I’m learning all your secrets.”

“Baby, that’d take a lifetime.” Twining his hands in her hair, he deepened the lip lock, thrusting his tongue in her mouth. Lost in him she whimpered when he broke their lip lock. “Which is exactly how long it’s going to take for me to get what I want from you.”

Her knees weakened. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed against his body to keep her balance. Her mouth went dry.

“ I think we should get started, don’t you?”

He slid his hands down her back to cup her ass.

“I—” He squeezed her ass and she squeaked. Boisterous laughter from the men and women around brought her back to earth.

“Shooter,” she hissed.

“Come on, baby girl, I’ll show you my room.” His breath tickled her ear. After placing her on her feet, he grabbed her hand and pulled her through the crowd, down a hallway.

“My room is the third down on the left side.” The plaque by the door that said “Shooter” made her smile. After opening the door, he flicked on the light.

“Ignore the mess.” Small piles of t-shirts and pants littered the floor. He kicked the door shut then spun her to face him. “I need to be buried deep inside you, baby. Here where I lay my head every night. Is the birth control working?”

“Yes.” She whimpered as he pulled her tank top over her head. His heated fingers trailed up her sides. Shoes were cast aside. Clothing hit the ground. Reconnecting at the mouth, they walked backward to the bed.

“Get on your knees. I’m going to fuck you until you scream and I fill your pussy up with my come.”

“Yes.” Climbing on to the bed, she pushed her ass up. He caressed her round cheeks and moved to test her sex.

“Always so wet and ready for me.” He crawled up behind her, caressed her with the head, and thrust home. She clutched the sheets and rocked back to meet him. The slap of skin rent the air as he nailed her against the bed. The angle let him penetrate deep. He hit the button inside her that brought all rational thought to a halt.

“Fuck, so good,” he growled.

She peered over her shoulder. “Fuck me harder.”