Memories of his last brush with love made him cringe. Clearly my judgment is flawed. Do I really want to try this again? Shaking off the cobwebs of the past, he made his way through the crowd that gave way to let him pass. When you were the scariest man in the room, maneuvering became relatively easy. He could have approached her from behind. That thick ass filling out her skirt begged to be rubbed by his cock. But he wanted to see her eyes. Watch those dark orbs flash with recognition and desire. She wanted him. The real question running through his mind was, would she accept him?

He saw the shock on her friend’s face when he appeared behind her and trailed his fingers over the bare skin of her back as he walked to face her. The heat radiating from her body singed him, and the contact sent a jolt straight to his cock. She looked up with an irritated expression that fell away when their gazes met. Her full lips formed an O.

“Dance.” There was no query in his statement but she nodded. Their bodies molded together like two pieces sculpted to fit. Full breasts pressed into his chest, teasing him with pointy nipples. Her rounded belly and curvy hips pleased him. They added to her softness and made her different from his usual fare. The bunnies with their copious amounts of makeup and skimpy clothes he used for one-night stands required no real thought. Everything about this woman appeared to be genuine. In their own zone they rocked together, lightly rubbing without getting raunchy. He felt like a damn high school kid, keeping a respectable distance, but damn did it feel good and right. Squeezing the supple flesh of her hips in his palms, he watched the tension melt from her shoulders. The shyness she’d first exhibited began to give way and she offered up a smile.

Her teeth were even and white, except for a slightly crooked tooth that he found charming. Fuck, did I actually just think that? The woman had red flags flying, but he didn’t want to run away. The music changed to something slow and their pace adjusted.

Bending down, he brushed her ear with his lips, savoring the shiver that racked her tasty figure. “I’d like to buy you a drink, if you’ll let me.”

She pulled away to glance up at him, totally stunned. He laughed. “I can be a gentleman when I want to be.”

“I don’t even know your name.” Her voice shook.



“Now we’re acquainted.” Releasing her, he stepped back. His body screamed in protest. Twining their fingers, he led her over to the whispering cluster of girls giving him the evil eye. “Ladies, I’ll be monopolizing Juliette’s time for the rest of the night.”

“I don’t think so, delicious, dark and deadly. I don’t know you from Adam. You can’t just whisk her off to parts unknown. Have you seen the news these days?” She shook her head, sending curls flying about her face.

Juliette sighed. “Hil—”

“My name’s Shooter.”

“First of all, Shooter? That’s not the name your mother delivered you with at birth.” The stern frown reminded him of his third grade teacher. That woman could strike fear in the hearts of the most hardened. “You’re being awfully accommodating.” The curly-haired woman crossed her arms over her chest. Her friends had gone from dancing to closing in around him on all sides.

“You guys are so over the top right now.” Juliette rolled her eyes.

“I can be very reasonable when it gets me what I want.” He winked.

She turned to the woman who’d gone silent beside him. “Jul, are you okay with this?”

“Yes.” Juliette nodded.

“Then let’s take it off the floor. ’Cause the only way I’m leaving you alone with this man for any extended amount of time is if I can track him down with some solid information.”

Shooter snickered. Normally he’d tell a bitch off, but she amused him, and he couldn’t fault her for looking out for Juliette. Together the five of them walked to a table on the perimeter of the dance floor.

“Here’s my phone.” He dug his phone out of his pocket with his left hand, refusing to relinquish his hold on Juliette, who looked ready to bolt any moment.

“I’m Hilary. This is Joey and Evonne—the three women who will make your life a living hell if anything, and I mean so much as a stubbed toe, happens to Juliette while she’s with you.”

“I’d wager next to me is the safest place in here.”

“Humph.” Hilary turned her attention to his phone, saving the number and calling him. When his ring tone chimed in response she nodded and peered up. “Address?”

He fished his wallet out of his back pocket and handed it to the curly-haired woman he’d secretly nicknamed the harpy.

“Same as on your driver’s license…Daniel Andrew Nash?”

“Yes. You plan on driving by and peeking through the windows?”

“Maybe.” Her lips twitched and he rolled his eyes. Ball buster. Her fingers flew over the keys. A few agonizing minutes later she was done.

“Looks like you check out. Jul… you sure?” The harpy’s eyes grew warm, and she laid a gentle hand on Jul’s upper arm.

“I am.”