“God, you’re so oblivious.” Joey huffed. “A man like that isn’t going to waste his time chatting up some girl because he’s bored. He had bitches drooling over him. If he wanted sex, he had it offered up on a platter.”

“Some men like the challenge. It’s a game. Like a bet.”

“Oh honey, he’s not Peter.”

“I know. I’m trying to tell myself that, but it’s hard getting out there again, and Shooter…”

“Is kind of scary because he, or rather his lifestyle is completely out of your depth?”


“Let me ask you this—what do you see in him?”

“He’s real and out there for everyone to see. It makes me want to trust him and find out his story. That’s something I never imagined feeling for a man again, that wonder and interest. My pull toward him is at least as strong as my fear of being hurt, figuratively speaking.”

“So see where it leads you. Don’t let one bad experience sour you forever. It’s been long enough.”

“It’s been a little over six months, I feel ready, I really do. Other issues are popping up to the surface now that I’m testing the waters, and they have me off-kilter. He invited me to go with him out to the lake with friends.”

“That’s huge. He’s bringing you around the brothers?”

“I guess.”

“Trust me. It’s a sign of how into you he is.” A silence passed between them. “I want you to be careful about this, Jul. Bikers live by a different code. Have fun but don’t get too caught up in the hype unless he’s playing for keeps.”

“Joey?” The somber tone wasn’t like her friend.

“My mom was pretty wild before she had me. She’s never gone into detail, but I know she used to run with a biker gang.”


“Yeah, why do you think I know so much about the lifestyle? She’s tried to keep it from me, so I respect her choices. But I looked up everything I can about the culture I’m pretty sure my father belongs to.”

“Holy shit, Joey.”

“Yeah. So I know firsthand, it’s not always a happy ending.” Joey sighed. “Still, I have to admire my mom for living her life to the fullest. It must’ve been incredible.” The wistful tone in Joey’s voice made Juliette smile. The free-spirited artist took after her tattooed mother in more ways than one, apparently.

“Like mother, like daughter.” Juliette said.

“Come on, we both know I’m her mini-me.” They laughed and the mood lightened. “This stays between us, okay?” Joey asked.

“Of course.” Juliette’s head swam with the revelation. No wonder her friend seemed a little M.C. obsessed. “Anyways this is probably a test. That makes me nervous and the thought of wearing a swimsuit around him…”

“God I wish I could murder that asshole, Peter. You’re beautiful my friend, nothing is wrong with you. You have a coke bottle figure most girls would kill for. Wear that wicked two-piece, sailor-themed number we picked out together.”

“And what do I wear over it?” Juliette asked, rummaging through her dresser to pull out the swimsuit.

“Jeans and a tank top. Keep it simple, Jul. You don’t have to be anything but yourself with Shooter. That’s how it should be.”

Joey’s words penetrated her panicked haze. Those two sentences summed up everything. It felt natural with Shooter. Low pressure, fun and scary, but in the good way.

“Damn Joey, when you’re right you’re right.”

“I keep telling you bitches that,” Joey said making her laugh.

“Yes you do.” Juliette grinned. “Thanks again, I need to go so I can get dressed.”

“Okay, have fun, and call me as soon as you get home. I need all the details. I have to live vicariously through you.”