Page 60 of Savage Rose

Xander:Full. Blown. Hard-on.

Okay, so maybe I do know what I’m doing. My lips curve into a smile as I set my phone back on my charger, then flop back onto my bed.

Don’t mind if I do dream of him …

Chapter 39

My heart is all aflutter. With the exception of Xander walking me from class to class—and he’s been especially vigilant after what went down in the hall with Justin—we really haven’t done anything that would shout that we’re actually together—except maybe the kissing in the parking lot at school. Are we even together? I don’t know. Not really. I’ve continued to eat my lunches with Daphne and Max, but to his credit, Xander has refused to allow Aria to sit on his lap. It kind of irks me that she still hangs on him a bit, but whatever. Girl obviously has some issues. Who doesn’t? She still hasn’t spoken a word to me since the hot tub incident. I wasn’t really expecting her to. It’s cool, though. I’ll just keep right on holding my grudge.

Other than that, we’re just ourselves in class together. Xander’s still putting his arm on the back of my chair, touching me when it’s not entirely appropriate—but it’s different now. He’s teasing me, not taunting me. And there is a huge difference between the two. He’s no longer trying to provoke me, he’s simply being playful. Showing me affection? I think this is how he demonstrates it.

And I like Xander’s affection. I like being the one he looks at in adoration. I like the way his eyes go dark when he whispers promises of all the dirty things he’d like to do to me.

We pull up to the spot where the bonfire is being held and there are already a good three dozen cars in the field surrounding a ginormous fire. People are milling around, talking to friends, and setting up chairs in groups. There is a bunch of food laid out on a picnic table to one side, and another one full of assorted drinks—mostly alcoholic beverages. Maybe Beau will bartend later. I’m unsurprised by the red Solo cups in every single person’s hand because this seems like a stereotypical high school activity—get drunk in the middle of the woods with a hundred of your classmates.

I’d told Aunt Liz this morning that I was attending a big academy bonfire and then maybe spending the night with Daphne afterward. Daphne and Max had opted for movie night instead, and she said she’s fine with being my cover in case I want to stay out. The plan is for me to text Aunt Liz when I decide what I’m going to do and where I’m going—and I will. I don’t want her worrying. Should she be worried?Maybe.

Xander claps his hands together. “Ready for this?”

“I have no idea. But it’ll be fun to find out, right?”

Once we’re out of the SUV, he takes my hand firmly in his. I glance down at them. Okay then. We haven’t been holding hands at school. I guess Xander is at the end of the patience he’d talked about.

I lean into his body as we walk around, surveying the entire area.

He dips his head down toward mine. “You okay?”

“I’m good. What do you want to do?”

Just as I utter the words, we hear a whoop that sounds kind of like a battle cry from the other side of the bonfire. I grin. “Micah sounds like he’s letting loose.”

“He doesn’t do it often, but when he does, better fucking look out.” He laughs and aims crazy eyes at me, shaking his head with a laugh.

Just then Beau scrambles toward us, two cups extended. “I mixed up something special just for the two of you.”

My brows raise as I glance at Xander. “Is this safe for me to drink?”

Beau scoffs. “Of course it is. It’s the drink I made you last week.”

“And that went really well.”

“Good point. But Justin hasn’t shown his face. Pretty sure it’s a mess.”

I feel Xander’s body stiffen beside me. Under his breath, he mutters, “Fucker better not show up.”

Lifting the cup to my lips, I take a careful swallow, and then squeeze Xander’s hand. “Let’s not think about him. Come on. Beau, where’s everyone hanging out?”

Beau leads us over to a bunch of logs situated in a semicircle. He pops a squat on one next to Danica, and I swear his hand immediately goes right for her ass, squeezing it and making her shriek in delight. He puts his face next to her ear, and whatever he says makes her giggle really hard. Pretty sure she’s already tanked. His hand still hasn’t left her ass.All right, then.That’s how it’s going to be.

I press my lips together, then gesture with my cup to a spot next to Micah and Farrah. We sit down and Xander’s arm automatically circles my waist and pulls me closer. I spend a few minutes looking around, enjoying the spirited atmosphere and the warmth of the fire. As I take inventory of who is here, I realize who isn’t. I don’t know what possesses me, but I blurt out, “Where’s Aria?”

Farrah’s brows go up, and as I watch, Micah’s hand grips her wrist and squeezes a warning.

Danica takes another sip of her drink, eyeing me over her cup. “She’ll be here later. Alora is with her.”


After a while, everyone seems to be having a really good time. Music and laughter fill the air. A small group is dancing in front of the fire, which is fun to watch because they are definitely drunk.