Page 67 of Renegade Path

“Thanks, bro.”

“We’re all gonna get together and party once we’re on the outside,” Griff promised us.

Normally, I’d take that with a grain of salt. But I was confident the bonds we’d formed inside this hellhole would last.

Griff grabbed a notebook, his stack of letters, and a few other items.

“Wait, you’re leaving now?” I asked.

He gave me an apologetic smile. “Yeah. I was told to pack my shit. My mom’s on her way. I ain’t questioning it.”

“Don’t blame you at all. Get out while you can.”

Eraser and I walked Griff to the main office. I swallowed every embarrassing emotion trying to bubble to the surface. A guard met us and pushed Griff toward a small room to the right.

“Get back to your unit,” he barked at us.

“See you on the other side.” Griff waved at us.

Eraser and I walked the long way back toward our room in silence.

Chapter Forty-One


After Griff’s departure, we were herded to the cafeteria. It wasn’t until after dinner that I was able to pick up Juliet’s letter.

I slipped it out of the envelope and stared at the torn piece of notebook paper and hurried writing. Not the pretty stationery Juliet usually used or her neat script. After I read the few lines, I understood why.

Dear Roman,

I wish I had better news to share. Mr. Potter called me at school today. Mrs. Shields passed away this morning. Mr. Potter said he needs to speak to me. I don’t know why but I’m on my way to his office now.

I’ll keep doing whatever I can to get you out.

I love you!


My sadness for Mrs. Shields twisted together with grief over my freedom. No amount of manifesting would bring Mrs. Shields back. And it wouldn’t get me out of here any sooner, either.

“You all right, Roman?” Eraser stood and crossed to my side of the room.

“No.” I folded the letter and shoved it under my pillow.

“Your girl break up with you?”

Huh, I guess things could’ve been worse.

“No, it’s not that.”

“You wanna talk about it?” He chuckled. “Before Wiggles returns and starts yanking his snake.”

I couldn’t even force a laugh. “Not really.”

“Okay. I respect that.”

Numbness settled in my chest.

Chapter Forty-Two


The fear left as soon as we entered the basement. Cold detachment took its place. Acceptance. My whole life had been leading to this. No one was coming to my rescue. My only goal now was to make it out of here alive and with my body in one piece.

To do that, I’d have to win.

“You’ve got this, Roman.” Eraser clasped my shoulder. “If that’s the kid you’re fighting,” he pointed to a tall, stocky kid stalking the opposite side of the ring, “he’s big, but no endurance. He hasn’t completed a run yet.”