“Only the one,” Dante allowed. His chest puffed with pride. “I

graduated from the most respected business college in America.”

“You mean Vampire America.” Meg really wanted to see what

America looked like with vamps in control. “What did you major in?

Boozing? Partying? Falling asleep in class?”

Dante looked thrilled with her new attitude. “The real Meggie

Finn comes to life, thank the gods. I thought you were a little boring

there for a while, but I caught the faintest hint of bitch, so I had hope.

I merely minored in boozing, though I was excellent at it, thank you. I

have a degree in management systems. How about you?”

“English and history,” Meg replied, looking out at the barn. It

needed a coat of paint, but it looked solid. There was a pen with what

looked like sheep in the far field.

Dante looked highly amused. “You studied English? Seriously?

You got a degree in a language you already spoke?”

“There’s more to it than that.” It wasn’t the first time she’d had to

defend her choice of degrees. “There are novels, and the study of how

to write.”

“The schools must be different there. I knew how to write in first

grade. I guess you’re slower. All I know is my parents would never

have paid for me to lounge around for four years studying a language

I already knew how to speak and reading DLs. Maybe you should

have taken a course in how to avoid getting eaten by deadly forest




Meg planted her feet and scowled. “It wasn’t like there was a sign

saying ‘watch out for woman-eating horses.’ How was I supposed to


“You weren’t supposed to run,” Dante said with a sad shake of his