land. She didn’t even know which horses would try to eat her. Panic

seized her. “I’ll go with you.” She wouldn’t even have to pack. She

didn’t own anything.

His eyes seemed cold now, and his sensual mouth was a flat line.

“No. It’s too dangerous. I have to work. I won’t have time to do my

job and watch after you.”

Tears formed in her eyes and Meg ran to him. “Please let me go

with you. I don’t know what to do here. I don’t know how to do


It went against everything she was, but she felt like begging. She

didn’t want to be left behind with an amnesiac and a farm falling



down around her. She wanted Beck. He’d been the rock she had clung

to ever since she found herself on this plane.

Beck gently pushed her back. “You’ll be fine. Bond with Cian.

He’ll take care of you.”

She didn’t think that was happening any time soon. Cian couldn’t

take care of himself. Cian couldn’t remember who she was for more

than five minutes. “You promised you would take care of me.”

Beck shook his head. He looked so arrogant. “That’s what I’m

doing, Meg. When I finish this job, we’ll have enough gold to fix up

the place. We can hire a housekeeper so you won’t have to work.”

“I don’t mind working,” Meg promised. She hated the fact that

she was crying, but she couldn’t seem to help it. “I’ve worked all my

life, but I don’t know what to do here.”

“Nor should you,” he replied as though it was a foregone

conclusion. “You’re a bondmate. You shouldn’t be doing housework,

and you shouldn’t live in a cottage that’s falling down around you.”

Her frustration made her eyes squeeze shut. “Shouldn’t I decide