Meg gulped and reminded herself that this was what had gotten

her heart in trouble in the first place. He was just trying to show his

gratitude. Besides it had been a long time for him. He hadn’t had sex

since his illness had taken over. Meg hadn’t forgotten their bonding.

Cian was a carnal creature. He would want that pleasure as soon as

possible. They needed to get a few things straight.



“Please don’t call me wife,” she said in a firm voice. Cian’s brow

arched quizzically, but he allowed her to continue. “I’m not from this


“No,” Cian interjected. “You’re from the human plane. You were

born in a place called Texas and lived in a city called Fort Worth. You

lived in a small apartment, and you hated it. There was no beauty to it.

The walls were beige. The carpet was beige. It wasn’t a home. It was

like purgatory, a place to wait. Explain this purgatory to me.”

He sat up and crossed his legs. He switched from hot and bothered

potential lover to curious student. Meg was struck dumb by how

accurately he had described her little apartment. It had nothing of her

in it. It was a place to eat and sleep. It wasn’t a home. “How did you


Cian’s expression was serene and patient. It was disconcerting

how quickly he could change. “We are bonded, lover. I saw your soul,

and you saw mine. It’s the deepest bond two souls can form. You can

try running from me, Meggie, but it won’t work. I know you deep

down. I know what you need.”

She felt her whole body flush with embarrassment. She

remembered things from Cian’s life like they were her own memories.

What had he pulled out of her head? She felt very vulnerable in that

moment, even more vulnerable than she had been with Beck. The