Rhys nodded his head. “Yes, sire, they will. I will make you a

deal. I will personally ensure that no one else is allowed physical

access to the bondmate. The other suitors will only be allowed to view

her. I will tell the other Fae that we’ve had an expert prove her ability

to bond. You are certain she can form the bond? The demon seemed

very sure. He said she glows to him, and that is how he knew.”

“I am certain,” Beck said, remembering how it felt to reach out to

her with his mind and have her respond. “The vampires say our

bondmates glow, as well. I can’t see it, but I feel her. She is perfect.”

“Perfect enough to form a true triad?” Rhys asked speculatively.

“You know what the legends say.”


Sophie Oak

Beck laughed long and hard. He knew the legends. They were

ridiculous. They were stories to tell children at bedtime. The legend

claimed that one day, a pair of symbiotic twins would be born of royal

blood. They would form a triad with a mysterious bondmate, and she

would allow their true powers to flow. The intellectual half, who the

people called the philosopher king, would become a Green Man,

bringing prosperity to the tribes. The warrior king would gain the

strength of a Storm Lord. The threesome would usher in a time of

great joy for the Fae. It was a nice story, but Beck had stopped

believing in legends a long time before.

“Don’t pin your hopes on that, my friend. Meggie is just a

bondmate. She is beautiful and suits my purposes. She will save my

brother and balance us. I am not immune to the effects of not bonding

at a proper age. I feel it, too. Meg can reverse the effects.” He hoped

everyone wasn’t as prone to believing old stories as the gnome. “You

mentioned a deal? What is my end of this bargain?”

Rhys was every bit the savvy business man. “Please stay out of