Meg continued, “I had to figure out how to substitute honey for

sugar, but I think I have it. It’s an oatmeal cookie. It’s better with

chocolate chips, but we don’t have any. Try one.”

That wasn’t what he wanted to try. He wanted to get his mouth on

her breasts and that sweet, soft pussy of hers, but he was playing a

long game. Still, he couldn’t disappoint her. He took the “cookie” and

prayed it tasted better than the other meals she had attempted to cook

him. His bride was beautiful and possessed a sharp mind, but she was

crap when it came to cooking. He’d had to choke down dinner all

week and smile and tell her how edible it was. Flanna was attempting

to teach her a few tricks to Fae cooking. So far, it wasn’t working.

Her hand was on her hip, and there was an offended look on her

pretty face. “It’s not going to kill you, Ci.”

He was pretty sure it wouldn’t. He quickly calculated his odds of

surviving Meg’s cookie experiment. He was confident, when applying

the laws of rational deduction, that his odds were in the 99.783%

range. Meg’s foot tapped impatiently on the floor. He had a 100%

chance of pissing off his wife if he didn’t eat the damn thing and

manage to smile. Cian shoved the cookie in his mouth. He gamely


It was not half-bad. “It’s good.”

The smiled that quirked up her lips was wry. “You don’t have to

sound so surprised, Cian. I never was a very good cook, but I always

could bake. I didn’t get these hips from following the Atkins Diet.”

Cian would have asked her what she meant, but he was eating a

second cookie. It wasn’t just good. It was great. He had never really

liked oats. They tasted like paper, but Meggie’s cookie was soft and

sweet. He reached for a third.

Meg pulled the platter back. “Hey, I need those for the goblins.

Flanna said they’ve set up camp on the other side of the village in the