“Well, I didn’t go willingly.” Meg rubbed her hands together

before shrugging out of her sweater. “Someone paid the Planeswalker

to take me home.”

Dante’s mouth hung open slightly. “You went back to the Earth


“And then found my way back here. I didn’t even need a demon

to help me, though I did come back with one,” Meg said proudly.

Dante sighed. “You came back.”

“Of course I came back,” Meg replied. The vampire had really

believed she’d abandoned them. “I love them, Dante. I never wanted

to leave them. Now, tell me everything. Are they alive? Has the hag

been able to hurt them? How did you find me?”

Dante looked slightly amused as she pelted him with questions.

“As far as I know, they’re still protected. I can’t get close. The storm

is horrible. It’s kept the hag away, though she’s closing in. Once that

blonde bitch gets into their hidey-hole, she’ll be able to slit their

throats, and there’s nothing they can do about it. As for how I found

you, I planted a locator device on your back that first day we met.

Remember, I gave you a big hug and slapped you on the back? The

locator device is small and burrows into the skin. I had a feeling you

would be trouble.”

“You LoJacked me?”

Dante shook his head, seemingly unconcerned. “I don’t know

what that is, sweetheart. However, I did make sure I could keep tabs

on you. Don’t mention it to Ci, but I ‘LoJacked’ him a long time ago.

I was too scared to try it with Beck. I do it to the people I care about. I like to know where they are.”

“So where are they?” Meg chose to set aside Dante’s questionable

actions for now. They were fortuitous any way she looked at it.
