“Congratulations,” Dante said almost sweetly. “You’re a

bondmate. I’ve heard it’s the most intimate connection a being can


Meg swallowed nervously, not wanting to think about it. She

wasn’t here to fall in love. She shouldn’t be here at all. She would

suffer through this. When she had the chance, she was going to get

away, and no intimate bond was going to stop her. She decided to

slightly change the subject. “And the vampires?”

Dante leaned in, his fangs showing beneath his wide smirk.

“Darling, the vampires are here because you taste really fucking


Cara leaned over Meg’s lap and slapped the vampire. Dante took

it with good grace, merely leaning back as though he was slapped by

females on a regular basis. “Stop teasing the girl. Miss, the vampires

are looking for what they call a consort. You have to understand there

are two types of vampires, the peasant and those of royal blood.”

“Don’t call them peasants,” Dante whistled under his breath.

“Them’s fighting words. One day you call them peasants, and the next

day they unionize.”

Cara ignored him. “The royals are the vampires with ancient

blood. They are pure vampire. If they can find a proper consort, their

lives are greatly elongated by taking his or her blood. The consort also

receives a much longer life by taking the vampire’s blood into his or

her body. The consort’s blood makes the vampire stronger than he or

she would normally be. I heard your sister recently married her

consort, Mr. Dellacourt.”

Dante’s nose wrinkled in distaste. “Yes, now our house is filled

with love and roses every day. I’m not having any of it. What’s the

point in an extra couple of hundred years if you can’t party? Susie and

Colin. What idiots! They walk around like love-struck teens. It’s