with her nudity. As he carried her out of the arena, she kept her hands

at her sides, sensing that he wouldn’t welcome her touch.



Chapter Five

She wouldn’t touch him.

Beck kept his face painfully passive as he marched back to the

tent Rhys had put together for the compatibility ritual. If everything

had gone as it should have gone, he would have taken Meg back


this tent and very gently, respectfully made love to her in front of two

witnesses. Rhys would have been one, and the vampires would have

selected one. It was a simple ritual to prove he could take care of her


Instead, he had proven that he was an animal.

Now she wouldn’t look at him, and he didn’t blame her. He had to

hold her tight because she refused to put her arms around his neck.

Cara was at the door to the tent and held it open as she eyed him.

She looked at the pale female in his arms. Beck knew what she was

seeing. She was looking with pity on the woman he had just married.

He had treated her like a whore. Beck sighed inwardly. He avoided

Cara’s eyes. He’d never treated a whore that way.

Beck laid her down as gently as he could on the bed that had been

prepared for them. It was covered with thick, soft blankets and

pillows. Flowers had been strewn—marigolds, St. John’s Wort, and

shamrocks. It was a lovely setting and would have made a beautiful

bridal bed. Instead, he’d shoved her to her knees in the middle of a

bloody arena and throat-fucked her in front of a crowd.

He tried not to think about how soft and sweet she looked lying on

the bed. There was nothing he wanted more than to climb into bed