Beck turned her to look at him. His lips were turned down in a

scowl, and his eyes pinned her. “They were in play when you got

married, love. I assure you, our marriage was properly witnessed. I

signed the paperwork with the gnomes before we left.”

Meg went very still. “Marriage?”

“Yes, love, what did you think I was doing with you? I told you I

needed a bondmate. You’re my wife now, and there is no divorce.”

He said the word as though he found it distasteful.



“I thought you were buying me,” Meg stammered, trying to wrap

her head around the fact that she had apparently gotten married, and

no one had bothered to tell her. She looked at Beck, a little panicked

at the thought. He was her husband? “You know, like a slave.”

“You have strange words, wife. I don’t know what a slave is, but

we’re married, and nothing is going to change that.” He took a deep

breath. “If you are angry with me for what I did today, you have my

permission to hit me. It might make you feel better. I can only

promise I won’t do it again. I was a little overwhelmed.”

An alarming thought struck her. She wondered if the whole

beating thing went both ways. “So if I step out of line, you’ll hit me?”

The faery looked extremely offended. “I would never beat you,

Meggie. It’s different for a man. We’re bigger. We could hurt you. I

know after what I did to you earlier you must think me a man of no

honor, but I would never, never beat my woman. I might put you over

my knee if I thought you were stepping out on me, but I would only

use my hand.”

“You would spank me?” It was supposed to come out as an

outraged question. It was supposed to show that she would never put

up with such a thing. Instead, it kind of came out as a breathless,