too late. He felt his consciousness begin to fade. They would die

down here. Cian would never know what happened. They were too far

from each other. Cian would fade, never knowing why his brother

hadn’t returned.

Then his hand was free, and he felt himself beginning to float.

He shook his head as his lungs started to burn. He forced himself

to move. He had to get a hand on Meg. He pulled at her shirt and

started to swim for the surface. He kicked his legs, even though he felt

so weary. He used every bit of his will to propel himself and Meg to

the air above.

The sun was warm on his skin when he reached the surface and

was finally able to breathe in sweet, clean air. Meg was a dead weight

in his arms. He knew he had to get her to land before he could try

anything. He swam as fast as his legs would take him. Seeing her skin

so blue sparked an adrenaline rush that powered him through the

water. When he could touch the bottom, he pulled her small frame

into his arms and raced to the shore.

“Please come back,” he muttered as he laid her down. He filled

his lungs and then opened her mouth. He covered her lips with his,

sealing them together and then pushed the air into her lungs.




He tried again, his heart racing. She couldn’t be dead. He would

have felt it. He was sure he would have known. But then he’d thrown

up barriers. He’d felt like he had to. But if she died alone, he would

never forgive himself. She would have died reaching out to him, and

he’d coldly closed their bond.

He tried a third time. Suddenly her eyes fluttered, and her whole

body convulsed. He quickly turned her over as she threw up the water