Page 115 of Dragon (Dirk Pitt 10)

"I think it's time," he said in a tone edged with sadistic pleasure, "to begin enlightening our guests of the purpose behind their presence here."

"If I may suggest," said Orita with a slight bow of the head.

Suma nodded without speaking.

"The gaijins are impressed with status and power. Their psychology is easily measured by their reverence of entertainers and wealthy celebrities. You are the most important financial expert in the world. Allow the congresswoman and the senator to simmer in suspense and confusion while you remain aloof and out of reach. Send others to torment their curiosity by feeding them small pieces of bait until their minds are ripe for your honored appearance and divine orders."

Suma considered Orita's advice. It was a childish game that played on his ego, but one that was also practical. He looked at Kamatori. "Moro, I leave it to you to begin our guests' initiation."

Loren was lost. She had never been so lost in her life. She had been drugged almost immediately after being seized at the classic car race and had clawed her way back to full consciousness only two hours ago.

When she finally cleared the drug-induced haze from her mind, she found herself in a beautifully furnished bedroom with a lavish bathroom complete with sunken marble tub and bidet. It was furnished in a sort of South Pacific island decor with bamboo furniture and a small forest of potted tropical plants.

The floor was light polished cedar, and the walls seemed to be covered with woven palm fronds.

It reminded her of a village resort where she'd once vacationed in Tahiti-- except for two unusual features. There was no inside handle to the door and no windows.

She opened an armoire that stood against one wall and peered inside. Several expensive silk kimonos hung there. She tried one on and was pleasantly surprised to discover it was almost a tailored fit. She pulled open the lower drawers. They contained feminine underwear that was also in her exact size, as were the matching sandals on the floor of the armoire.

It beats hell out of being chained in a dungeon, Loren thought. Whoever captured her did not seem intent on torture or execution. The question of why she was abducted was pushed to the back of her mind. Making the most of an unwinnable situation, she relaxed in the tub and took a bubble bath. Then she dried and set her hair with the necessary dryer and styling odds and ends that were thoughtfully laid out on the bathroom counter along with a select array of expensive cosmetics and perfumes.

She was just slipping into a white and rose flowered kimono when there was a soft knock on the door and Kamatori stepped quietly into the room.

He stood there in silence a moment, his arms and hands buried in the sleeves of his yukata, a haughty look of scorn on his face. His eyes rose slowly from Loren's bare feet, lingered on her breasts, and then lifted to her face.

Loren pulled the kimono tightly around her body and knotted the belt and turned her back to him. "Do Japanese men always enter a lady's room without being invited?"

"My profound apologies," said Kamatori with a noticeable hint of sarcasm. "I did not mean to show disrespect to a renowned American legislator."

"What do you want?"

"I was sent by Mr. Hideki Suma to see that you are comfortable. My name is Moro Kamatori. I am Mr. Suma's friend, bodyguard, and confidant."

She replied decisively, "I guessed he was responsible for my kidnapping."

"The inconvenience is only temporary, I promise you."

"Why am I held hostage? What does he expect to gain besides hatred and vengeance from the American government?"

"He wishes your cooperation in delivering a message to your President and Congress."

"Tell Mr. Suma to insert a sharp stick up his rectum and deliver the message himself."

Brassiness born from vulnerability, Kamatori mused. He was pleased. He decided to pierce Loren's first line of defense. "How coincidental. Almost the exact words of Senator Diaz, except his terms were much saltier."

"Mike Diaz?" Loren's brave front suffered a widening crack. "You kidnapped him too'?"

"Yes, you were brought here together.

"Where is here?"

"An island resort off the coast of Japan."

"Suma is insane."

"Hardly," Kamatori said patiently. "He is a very wise and perceptive man. And in a few days he will announce his rules for the Western economies to follow in the future."

A tinge of red anger flushed Loren's face. "He's even a bigger lunatic than I gave him credit for."