Page 161 of Dragon (Dirk Pitt 10)

True to his word, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs had General Mackay's personal Air Force C-20

passenger jet sitting beside the runway that stretched across Wake Island as Pitt dropped the tilt-turbine on a marked pad in front of the small terminal building.

Mel Penner had flown up from Palau and was waiting, cupping his ears against the scream of the turbines as the wheels touched the concrete. The area was surrounded and cordoned off by nearly twenty air police. Penner moved toward the aircraft and stood expectantly at the doorway. It swung open and Weatherhill was the first out.

Penner stepped forward and they shook hands. "Glad to see you're still in the land of the living."

"That makes two of us," said Weatherhill with a huge smile. He glanced around at the Air Force security ring. "We didn't expect a welcoming committee."

"You're the hottest topic of discussion at the White House. Is it true you made it out with Suma?"

Weatherhill nodded. "And Diaz and Smith."

"You made quite a haul."

Stacy stepped down and was also surprised to see Penner and the guards. "Somehow I get the feeling we're not going to refuel and continue to Hawaii," she said, hugging Penner.

"Sorry, no. There's an Air Force jet waiting to fly Suma and the legislators to Washington. They'll be accompanied and guarded by a military intelligence team. The rest of us have been ordered to remain here on Wake for a meeting with a group of highlevel hotshots sent by Jordan and the President."

"I'm sorry we couldn't have sent you more data," explained Weatherhill, "but we thought it best if we stayed off the airwaves and made out a report in person."

"Jordan agrees. You made the right decision."

Weatherhill handed Penner a file folder filled with neatly typed sheets. "A full report."

Penner stared at the report with a blank look. "How?"

Weatherhill gestured back inside the aircraft. "Suma had it, fully equipped to conduct business. We wrote it up during the flight on a word processor."

Mancuso popped his head out the door. "Hi, Mel. Did you bring the party hats and champagne?

"Good to see you, Frank. When can I meet your passengers?"

"Sending them out now. You'll have to wait a minute for our guests from Japan to disembark until I free them."

"You had them under restraint?"

"They got a little testy at times."

Loren and Diaz stepped squinting into the bright sun and were introduced to Penner, who related the flight procedure. Then Suma and Toshie were ushered out by Mancuso, his hands tightly gripping each by an arm.

Penner made a slight bow. "Welcome to United States territory, Mr. Suma, but I don't think you're going to enjoy your stay."

Suma gave Penner the offhand glance he reserved for underlings and acted as if the intelligence operative was invisible.

Toshie looked at Penner with uncontrolled hatred. "You will treat Mr. Suma with proper respect. He demands he be freed immediately and returned to Japan."

"Oh, he will," Penner said mockingly. "After he's enjoyed an all-expense paid vacation in our nation's capital, courtesy of the American taxpayer."

"You are violating international law," Suma said nastily. "And if you do not release us, vengeance shall be swift and many of your countrymen will die."

Penner turned to Weatherhill. "Can he back up the threat?"

Weatherhill looked at Suma. "Sorry, you can forget about the Dragon Center. Its juice has been cut off."

"You were successful?" asked Penner. "Ray Jordan and Don Kern are clawing the walls, waiting to hear."

"A temporary fix. We only had enough explosive to blow out a fiberoptic bundle. They should be back in business in several days."