Page 39 of Naughty

“You’re crazy.” He made to walk past, but she caught his arm.

“I’m not crazy. I’m overworked.”

“I’m seeing someone, Summer. I’m in a relationship that means everything to me, and I’m not about to give it up because of a quick fuck!”

“What? You don’t do relationships.”

“Times change. I’ve changed. Come on, Summer. You didn’t even think I’d own this piece of crap. That’s what you called it, right? A piece of crap.”

“It’s not exactly something I’d consider pouring my future into.”

He shook his head. “Whatever you think, whatever you’re feeling, leave me out of it. I don’t want any part in any of this.”

“There’s no way to change your mind?”

“None, Summer. Leave.”

“Wow, I keep getting told to leave.”

Carter opened the door. He was so angry with her. That was one of the things he hated about Summer. She always believed that she was perfect, that no man would ever deny her. He was done with her brand of bullshit.

Standing at the office window he watched as Summer left. Whatever had happened to her must have seriously fucked up her head if she thought he’d just jump into bed with her.

He spun away from the window and stopped when he caught sight of Autumn. “Hey,” she said.

“Hello. Did you hear?”

“I heard. My sister is a little loud in her demands. Louder than life, and all that.”

“I’m sorry. She didn’t see you. I didn’t see you.”

“Denny hid me.”


“Does she come around often like that?”

“No. I wouldn’t have kept something like that from you.”

Autumn held a large bag in her hand. “I came with lunch this time. I thought it would make a refreshing change.”

“Autumn, I’d never cheat on you.”

“When you were talking with Summer, you mentioned about being in a relationship with someone.”

“Yeah, I am.”


“It’s with you, Autumn. I told you, I don’t cheat. I don’t believe in doing that shit.”

“See, I told you that you weren’t all a bad guy. Dirty, but not bad.”

The scent of the food filled the room, and his mouth started to water.

“What do you have there?”
