Page 43 of Naughty

“Yes, dear. Our girls are different.”

“What about you, Autumn? You going to be giving me grandbabies soon?”

“Please, Dad, don’t be silly,” Summer said.

“What? Why can’t I have grandbabies?” Autumn glared over at her sister.

“You’re not even dating, and we all know that you have to be committed to the guy to even go down the aisle.”

“Actually, I am seeing someone.”

“Oh, a nice boy, I hope.”

“He is.”

“How come we’ve not seen him?” her father asked.

The questions bombarded, and Autumn just couldn’t bring herself to say who it was. Not now, not in front of her parents.

“We’re just seeing where everything goes. You know, taking our time, and I don’t want to rush him in meeting you guys.” You’ve already met him. “What about you, Summer? You’re quick to judge me. Any guy lurking in the background that you haven’t told us about?”

“No. I

don’t have anyone.” From the way Summer was looking a little jittery, Autumn was convinced Summer was hiding someone.

She finished doing the peas, then the carrots. When Summer went out to have a smoke, she followed her. Autumn didn’t smoke, she didn’t like it, but something was bothering her about Summer’s reactions to certain things.

“What gives?” Autumn asked, watching as her sister took a long draw on her cigarette.

“I thought we told everything to each other,” Summer said.

“Yeah, I thought that, too. Some things are just a little private. What are you keeping that makes you nervous?” Autumn folded her arms and waited.

“It’s nothing. Not really, just a feeling I get, and it’s not a great one.”


“Okay, fine. I like bad guys. The dirtier the better, I love them. Take Carter for example. I can’t believe I’m even bringing him up again, but he was the kind of guy I dated. The kind of guy that got my rocks off.”

Guilt swamped Autumn, but she forced herself to listen.

“You don’t think that anymore?”

“I don’t know what I think anymore, Autumn. God, you remember David, the boring guy I tried to get you to date?”

“Yeah. It’s hard to forget.”

“Well, I’ve kind of been seeing him.”

“And Brad?” she asked.

“Yeah, the two men. Not together. I don’t even know if they know about each other.”

“Don’t you think that’s a little cold? Even for you.”

Summer groaned. “I like Brad. He’s funny, and he’s reliable. I know what I’m getting with him.”

“And David?”