Page 49 of Naughty

“There’s nothing to forgive. Do you forgive me? I shouldn’t have hit you. I didn’t have a right to do that.”

“I forgive you. You’re my sister.”

She held onto Summer, thankful that they were still friends.


“I should have known I’d see you again,” Bill said.

Carter smiled at him. “I’m sorry to have caused some problems.”

“You haven’t caused me any trouble. They’re two sisters, and I know they’ll work out whatever problems they have. They’re my daughters, and they’ve been taught to be together.”

“I love Autumn.”

“I’m pleased to hear it because she loves you. I didn’t say it was a bad thing to see you again. I never thought you were a bad kid, Carter. I’m happy you’re with one of my girls.”

“Bill, will you stop? You’re going to scare him away. Some of this is for Carter and Autumn to talk about together,” Mary said.

“Honey, I’m taking care of our girls, and I’m making sure this guy here knows that I mean business.”

“I know you mean business.” Carter rubbed the back of his head. “I’ve asked Autumn to move in with me.”

Bill snorted. “She didn’t even tell us you were dating, and you really think she’s going to want to live with you. It sounds to me like she’s using you.”

Mary tutted. “Bill, enough. Our Autumn is not like that, and you know it. She never told any of us about her previous boyfriends, and that’s because you get your damn shotgun. We know why she didn’t say anything, and you need to cut Carter some slack.”

“Still no excuse. You should have come to us, told us, warned us.”

“I would have been going against everything that Autumn asked me not to do.”

Bill stared at him.

“We know why you didn’t tell us,” Mary said. “It’s nice to see you again, Carter. I’ve heard good things about you, and your mechanic shop.”

“Thank you. I like working with cars.” He stared right back at Bill. “I know you don’t trust me, or like me. I always figured you didn’t, but I love Autumn. I will do everything in my power to make her happy.”

They all stopped as Summer came downstairs. She was smiling. “Leave him alone, Dad. He means well, and we know Autumn’s been happy. I’ve not seen much of her, but we text, and she’s happier.” She ran fingers through her hair. “This is all my fault, and the blame is on me.”

“Can I go and see her?” he asked.

“Yes,” Mary said.

“No,” Bill said.


“They’re doing any hanky-panky in my house. I mean it. I’m not having any of my daughters ruined.”

Mary chuckled. “I think they were ruined a long time ago.”

Carter left them alone, making his way up toward Autumn’s room. She was sat on her bed, and he left the door open, taking a seat on her bed. He cupped her cheek, seeing that there were no marks from the slap that Summer had given her.

“I didn’t use you. I would never do that. I promise.”

“You heard that?” he asked.

“Yeah, I did.” She pressed her hands to her face. “I’m not that kind of person.”