Page 5 of Naughty

“Thank God. I thought I was going to get lost. I’ve never heard of it before.” She pulled off her jacket and pulled her hair back into a ponytail.

He wished she’d leave it down. There were many dirty things he’d gladly do with the length. The main one would be wrapping it around his fist as he fucked into her nice tight pussy.

His cock had a mind of its own.

She let out a breath. “I hope she hasn’t gone too crazy. I’m not very good with crowds.”

“If I know Summer like I know her, then there’s going to be a lot of people there. Just have a glass of wine or a beer, whichever is your poison, take a seat, and watch. That’s what I did.”

“Are you married?” she asked.

He frowned. “Hell no, why would you ask that?”

“No, I just, Summer said something when you guys broke up, and I just wondered if you’d settled down.”

Carter glanced over at her. He knew the real reason why he and Summer had broken up, but what the fuck did Autumn think?

“Why do you think Summer and I broke up?” he asked.

“You cheated on her.”

“What?” He yelled the word, somewhat shocked that Summer would lie. It was all in the past, and no hard feelings, but what the fuck!

“That didn’t happen?”

“No. It didn’t.” He scoffed. “She cheated on me with some guy who was the partner at some firm.”

“Malcolm! She cheated on you with strait-laced Malcolm?”

She sounded shocked by that.

“Yep, walked into her office, and found her rocking his cock to a whole new tune. Anyway, didn’t really give a shit. It was just fun between the two of us.” He did however go and get a checkup afterward just to make sure. He wrapped his dick, but he didn’t want to take any chances, especially not with his health.

“Wow, I had no idea. I mean, I thought you were the one cheating. I can’t believe my sister would lie to me. We’re a lot of things, but she’s never lied to me.” He was sure he heard the cogs inside her head turning. “They say you learn something new every day.”

“Bet you didn’t think it was going to be that, did you?”

“No. Are you okay?”

“It didn’t bother me, Autumn. I didn’t love your sister, and the relationship didn’t mean anything to me.” It was a passing phase in his world.

“Oh, okay then.”

They drove in silence for several minutes. “What about you? Any lovers, boyfriends, or husbands?”

“Not a chance. I’ve found boyfriends are a little … boring.”

“Really, boring?”

“Yeah. I’m not interested in doing the whole couples thing, going out with friends, cooking for his friends. I had one boyfriend who thought I was going to bake and cook for him and his pals while they went out and partied, and then came on to my place. I don’t think so. That’s not a relationship. I’m not after that.”

He was intrigued now. “What exactly are you after?” He chanced another glance over at her.

“A little excitement I guess. Something that gets me all worked up, but it doesn’t have to come with a guarantee, you know?”

He knew. However, he couldn’t talk to her more about it seeing as he pulled up to the street, and pointed at the restaurant. “There it is.”

“Wow, she does go for flashy, doesn’t she?” Autumn shook her head. “Sorry. My parents probably love it.”