Page 53 of Naughty

Summer smiled. “I love you, too, Carter. I love David. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and besides, I had to do something right. You and Autumn already had a kid out of wedlock.”

He looked toward the little carrier where his son lay. The past year had been completely crazy. Even though Autumn had been on the pill, she’d had to have antibiotics after she got an infection. Carter remembered the week, and he’d been with her, taking care of her. A poorly Autumn had been very cute. She hated the fact he saw her throwing up, and had to clean up after her.

Of course, once she was better, they hadn’t been able to keep their hands off each other, and so nine months later, she had given birth to Sean, their son.

“Hilary said she left, and she wants to be here, to see you show off your year’s worth of work. What do you do again?”

“I handle the advertisement for companies. I have a huge account, and I have Autumn and Hilary to thank for everything.”

With Autumn’s baking, and Hilary’s shop, they’d been able to find a gap in the market on baking products, and so with their help, the company had approached Summer to help them expand their brand. For Summer, it had started her own company, for Autumn it had given her more confidence, and for Hilary, it had been free advertising for her shop.

“Ah, right.”

“Come on, stop changing the subject. What are you doing to say?”

He glanced over at his son, and let out a breath. “You’ll find out.”

“Go over it with me, and I can help you with any shaky lines. Come on, proposing is not going to be easy, and you’re doing it during my party with the parents there. David took me to Vegas.”

“Yeah, that is totally romantic.”

“For me it was. I’m impatient, and I don’t like the thought of having to handle wedding arrangements.”

“Autumn would love a white wedding. She wants everything to be traditional, and while I’d love to take her to a city, and just marry her, I want her to have a day to remember.”

Summer rolled her eyes. “No wonder she loves you. There, you’re perfect. I’ll take Sean. I’m going to need the practice.”

He watched his future sister-in-law carry out his son, and he turned toward the mirror, staring at himself.

“Autumn Fowler, the love of my life, the mother of my child. I love you. I love you more than life itself. The only place I’m happy is when I’m with you, and I hope you feel the same. Lame, fucking lame.” He’d been practicing this speech for months, and he couldn’t seem to get it right. What words were perfect to express how much you love someone?

“Autumn, I love you. There are no words to describe how much I love you.” Again, he stopped, bowing his head. The suit he wore reminded him of a freaking penguin.

“Autumn, be my wife.”

“Marry me, beautiful.”

“Autumn, you’ll never find a man who loves you as much as me.”

Over and over, he tried to think of the right thing to say.

“Stop overthinking it,” Bill said, startling him.

“Shit, you scared me.”

“And I don’t even have my shotgun on me.”

Carter ran his hands down his jacket, and looked at the man who’d finally accepted him into the Fowler family with open arms.

“I want this to be perfect. I want to give her everything her heart desires.”

“Autumn is one of those girls who doesn’t need material things. She’s always happy with love, and a few kind words. You dress up nicely. A proposal comes from the heart. You have a child together, and I’ve seen how happy the two of you are together. You don’t need to overthink this. Just go out there, and propose.”

“Has she arrived?”

“Yes, she’s been looking for you.”

“Shit, fuck,” Carter said, moving out of the room. The party was already in full swing, and he saw Summer and David standing together, talking.