He reached out to grab her wrist. “You’re not jealous, are you?”

“Why would I be jealous? I have nothing to be jealous over. Excuse me.” She turned on her heel and walked away. He didn’t understand it.

Closing the front door, he stared up the stairs, wondering what the hell he should do. There was nothing he could think of.

He went to the kitchen and put the box of cookies on the counter. Lana had always been a flirt with him. She never tried to cover up her want for him, even though he’d made it clear to her more than once that he had no desire for her.

The cookies were horrible. Wrinkling his nose, he tossed them into the trash, put the container in the sink, and made a note to get Connie to take it back.

Then he opened the fridge about to make himself something to eat even though cooking was the last thing on his mind. His cell phone rang.

Seeing it was William, he picked it up. “Hello.”

“Hey, man, I hate to be a pain in your ass. I know you’re busy, but can you stop by the building site tomorrow? We’ve hit another snag, and to be honest, I think the company that’s been selling us supplies is fucking with us.”

“How come?”

“Shit looks cheap. You know I’m not the kind of guy to complain, but we’re talking houses here for our pack, and the guys are all constructing it legally, but I don’t know, I’m not happy.”

“I’ll stop by. Get a good look at it. I won’t pay for stuff that is not up to specs.”

“Great. You’re the best.”

“Wait, before you go…” Gage stopped as he rubbed the back of his head. Glancing toward the entrance of the kitchen, he frowned. “Er, you’re married.”

“Yes. Perfectly mated as well.”

“When it is your female’s time of the month, do you, does she, I mean, is there any difference?”

Silence met his question.

“You know what, don’t answer that. I’m way out of line.”

“Why don’t you tell me what is going on? Is this about Constance?” William asked.

“I picked her up from work, and she’s, I don’t know, she’s not her usual self. Lana gave me some cookies, and I was going to take Connie to the diner, and—”

“Back up, Lana gave you cookies?”

“Yeah. She’s done that for years.”

“There’s your problem.”

“What? How can that be my problem? There is clearly something upsetting Connie, and I figured it might be that time of the month.”

William began to laugh.

Gage wasn’t amused. “Why are you laughing?”

“Dude, okay, fine. I won’t laugh. You seem to have an answer for everything. Nothing is too difficult for you, and yet, you can’t seem to understand that Connie is jealous.”

“Of what? I know Tanner and Tiffany are here.”

No answer.

He knocked again.

No answer.

Turning the doorknob, he opened the door and didn’t see Connie in her bedroom. The noise of the shower alerted him. He closed the door and moved quickly toward the bathroom, stepping inside, then came to a stop.

The shower ran, and the extractor fan was on, taking all the steam out of the room and giving him a clear view of heaven. There was no other way of describing it. The glass marred the view a little bit, but not too much.