“God, no. Please, no. I know that he rejected me first and that’s fine. I don’t care, but I had no intention of ever being his mate. I didn’t want to be … his. I … I don’t like him.” She averted her gaze, not wanting to tell Tanner’s father the truth.


She lifted her head in shock. Out of all the reactions she expected, this was the last one. “So now, we have two, possibly three options.”

“What are they?”

“Option one, I’m your friend. You can come to me for whatever you need, and I ward off the cold and the rejection. You open your heart to me. Option two, I’m like a parent, taking care of you.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Option three?” So far, she hated both of these options.

“I become your mate. That means you are mine, Connie, in all things. Mine to protect, to love, to fuck, to claim. Not only do you open your heart to me, you open your mind and your body, and they become mine. I become the mate you need and deserve.”

Her mouth went completely dry.

Had she heard that correctly?

Dreams didn’t come true, not for her, but this sounded very much like a dream come true. But that wasn’t possible. Was it?


Twenty-four hours.

Gage had asked her to wait and think about his options. He knew which one he wanted her to pick, but this had to be her decision. She wasn’t his mate, but Tanner’s. If his son decided to go after her, Gage would have no choice but to step aside and give his son a chance.

He fucking hated the thought, so giving Connie a chance to think this over was the least he could do, even though he didn’t want to.

“How can I give her a job back?” Lana asked.

“Because I told you to.” Gage looked around the library. Connie hadn’t been employed for four days and the place was already a mess. Books not in their rightful place, people looking pissed off.

Lana looked ready to quit. The library was a good place for people to take their kids, a quiet space. Kids were now running rampant as well, and he knew it was because Connie wasn’t there to supervise.

He’d been to the library when the place had been overrun by kids wanting their parents’ attention, screaming. She would get them all to sit and enthrall them with a story. Connie was a natural with kids.

His thoughts quickly turned to her swollen with his kid, and he had to push the idea away as it made him hard as fucking rock.

“Look, she got rejected and then people didn’t want to deal with her, okay? They felt she’d be some kind of curse. I don’t know. She had to go.”

“Wow, this all magically happened within twenty-four hours.”

“Fine. I fired her. Okay? If your son didn’t want her, neither did I.”

His hand clenched into a fist. “I want her. Connie is mine. You will hire her.”

Lana froze, her hand going to her chest.

He felt the power of his wolf rushing forward.

“Oh, I will? That is … great news. Thank you so much.”

He watched her, unable to tear his gaze away. She tucked some hair behind her ear, and he was curious as to why she was here.

“Option three.”


“That’s what I want. Option three. I get it if you don’t want that, and I will completely understand. You were only being nice and everything. I’m rambling again. I’m nervous. Er, I’ve never even kissed a guy let alone considered a mating.”