Page 113 of Followed By the Dark

He holds out a hand, palm up. When Mara doesn't move, he cocks his head. "I'm not asking again."

He didn't ask anything.

Mara reaches behind her and picks up the scalpel.

Oh, god, no.

I whimper as the angel of death takes the sharp instrument from her. I squeeze my eyes shut, but instead of more pain, my restraints fall away. The clang of metal against the concrete tells me he dropped the scalpel. He leans close to my ear. "My sister will take care of you shortly."

I suck in a breath.


With those words, he stands back up and addresses Mara. "You have a one-minute head start."

That's all. But apparently, it is all Mara needs, because she takes off to where he came from. He doesn't speak as his eyes are trained on his wristwatch—a similar one to Marcus's. Marcus. Will I see him again?

"Paycen, did you let her run?" Jenn's exasperated voice fills my ears. Jenn! I want to turn, to see her, but the jerked movement results in me toppling off the chair. Right before I would've impacted with the ground, arms wrap around me and brace my fall. I look up at the man, Paycen's emotionless eyes.

"Fuck," Jenn exclaims. "Good catch, little brother."

Paycen lowers me to the floor, the cold surface like ice against my naked skin. Jenn sinks to her knees beside me. "I'm here now. You're safe." She pulls me into her lap, and I curl into her embrace. An emotional tidal wave crashes down on me, and I can't hold back any longer. Sobs rack through my body, shaking both of us as Jenn hugs me tightly.

I hear her exchange a few words with her brother, and then it's only the two of us. Jenn holds me with one arm while she types on a cell phone she procured from somewhere. She lifts the device to her ear, and I listen to her speak. With every word, the reality that I will get out of here etches itself into my mind. I'm going to live.

"It's me." Someone on the other end shouts. "T, shut up," Jenn barks. A little softer, she says, "I'm fine. Thank you for sending him." She listens. "Nothing I couldn't handle." Her expression tells me she's lying to whoever is on the other end. "I need you to send me a package. Medium size is sufficient." Pause. "Thanks. Then call Ethan. Tell him I have Denielle and that she…" Jenn peers down. "She's alive and will be okay. I also need a medic." The voice on the other end says something. "Paycen gave Mara a head start." There is quiet on both sides beforeTspeaks again. Jenn chuckles. "Let him play. It'll keep him busy, and we know she'll get what she deserves." Pause. "Love you, too. I'll call you tonight."

Jenn drops the phone and strokes my cheek with her knuckles. "I'm so sorry, Denielle. I didn't do my job." I laugh at the ridiculousness of her statement. Her face is blue, her lip is split, and her right eye is so swollen you can't see her lashes.

"Who did this to you?" I rasp.

"Someone who will soon be no more. Don't worry your pretty head about that. We need to clean you up before Marcus sees you." She glances at my arms. "May I take a look?"

No.I nod, and Jenn gently peels one of the bandages back. Her wince tells me it's not pretty, but as soon as her eyes find mine, she composes herself. "It'll heal," she states with confidence.

"How did your…Paycen find us?" I whisper as she continues to stroke my caked hair.

She smiles softly. "My family is very paranoid. I talk to my brothers every day. Usually T, since he's my twin, but when he's on a job, we check in with the others. I missed my morning call."

"But how did he know where—" I start coughing and can't finish my question.

She smirks. "Let's say Mara's little friend didn't do his job well enough. She lifts my hand gently and places two fingers on a spot behind her left ear. There is a tiny little bump under her skin, and when her eyes meet mine, she explains, "It's a tracker. We all have one."


"My brothers and me. Marshall usually doesn't bother checking where we're at unless we miss an assignment. He put them into place after Ethan left. It's a precaution as well as a safety measure."

I process what she just revealed to me. And I thought my father was controlling.

The phone dings next to us, and Jenn picks it up. "Ethan and Marcus are on their way."

At the sound of Marcus's name, fresh tears gather in my eyes. I cling to Jenn as I drift off from exhaustion. The soothing motion of her fingers against my hair is my last memory.

I joltawake as I transfer from one set of arms to another. It only takes me a second to relax my coiled muscles. I would recognize these arms anywhere. The flutter in my chest welcomeshisembrace.

"Hey," I breathe, not yet ready to leave the dark comfort of my closed lids.

"Hi, baby," Marcus's voice cracks as his knuckles caress my jaw.