Page 116 of Followed By the Dark

With every blank wall, blind alley, name it what you want, my throat constricted until it felt like a noose cutting off my airways.

Rhys eventually left to give Laurin a break and spend time with Audrey.

"I'm going to find her," Lilly mumbled as her husband gave her a kiss. She refused to stop or leave her office.

I admired her determination, but even I had to admit that our chances were dwindling.

My stomach growled, and turning my wrist, I wasn't surprised to find that it was almost noon.

Maybe I should go get something to—

"What the—?" My head jerked up at Ethan's voice. He sat up, gaping at his phone. His gaze shifted to mine. "It's T."

Theo Davis?

"Answer," I barked.What is he waiting for?

Ethan lifted the device to his ear. "T?"

I stared at his face, waiting for some type of reaction. Why was Jenn's brother calling him, if not to…

Ethan's eyes grew wide. "Why the fuck didn't you—?" His free hand curled inward as T snapped something on the other end. Ethan bared his teeth at a man who wasn't in the room. "We could've already been there."

My spine stiffened. What did he say?

"That's bullshit, T. Just becau—" He pulled the phone away. "Fuck!"

I waited for him to explain what was going on, but Ethan shot to his feet. "We gotta go."

My heart skipped a beat before thundering in my chest.

"What?" Lilly stood with her palms flat on her desk.

"Go where?" Confusion mixed with irritation.

"I know where they are."

Walking into the warehouse,I had one singular goal. I ignored my surroundings and aimed for the location Ethan had received from Jenn's twin.

On the way, Ethan had explained how they found Jenn and that he had no idea about Marshall Davis's new measures to secure his assets—that was all his children apparently were. Ethan assured me he would've contactedhis brothersif he'd known. I didn't reply, battling between the numbness and terror of what I would find.

I hadn'tfeltin so long. My body didn't know how to process the time period since finding the VIP lounge empty. Denielle was alone with Mara for eight hours after King was dropped off. From what King divulged to us, Mara was as unstable as her birth mother. Deep down, I was sure she didn't tell us everything—not to keep secrets, but to protect us.Me.

There were multiple rooms on the first level but only one on the second. Bursting through the door at the top of the stairs, I immediately spotted the two huddled forms.

My stomach twisted, dread and relief fighting with equal strength for dominance.

Denielle's pale skin blended in with the white floor. She was in the boy shorts she had put on last night and the black tank top Iorderedher to wear. The taste of bile slithered across my tongue.

Where the hell are her clothes?

Her eyes were closed, Jenn cradling her in her lap.

The Cleaner's head snapped up as the soles of my feet pounded against the concrete. When my shoes reached the dried blood, I couldn't move. There was so much blood. Too much.

"Marcus," Jenn whispered, and my eyes snapped to hers. "She'll be fine." She nodded her chin to Denielle and indicated for me to take over. "She needs you."

I kneeled next to the woman I needed more than air. Jenn shifted her carefully to my arms, and Denielle stirred instantly. A smile tugged on her lips. "Hey."